the bard s tale:英语翻译

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/05 14:57:08
四年一次的世界杯拉开了战幕,虽然中国队没能参加这次的角逐,但是我仍然很兴奋.在参加这次比赛的32支队伍中,我最喜欢其中的3支队伍,它们分别是东道主德国队,上届冠军巴西队,南美洲劲旅阿根廷队.遗憾的是,因为时差的问题,我不能每常比赛都看.另外,我也非常喜欢世界杯的会歌《Celebrate The Day 》。希望下次的世界杯能看到我们中国队的身影。

World Cup

Quadrennial World Cup was a battle, although the Chinese team has not been able to participate in this rivalry, but I am still very excited. In the 32 teams participating in this competition, I like most of which three teams, and they are the host Germany, defending champion Brazil, Argentina, South America strong team. Unfortunately, because of the time difference. I can not look at each regular competitions are. In addition, I would also very much like the World Cup song "Celebrate The Day." We hope that the next World Cup will see the Chinese team on the scene.