
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/02 18:45:17
Staff should have realistic expectations for each child, provide opportunities for success and avoid making comparisons between children. Staff need to gauge when to offer help to a child attempting something new and when to gradually withdraw this
support so that the child can manage on his or her own. Seeking more independence is an integral part of the development of a school age child’s sense of self. School age children need to be able to do things in their own way and make their own decisions.


职员应该有现实期望为各个孩子, 为成功提供机会和避免做比较在孩子之间。雇用职员需要测量何时为孩子提供帮助试图新事和何时逐渐撤出这支持以便孩子能处理在他们自己。寻找更多独立是自已教龄儿童的感觉的发展的整体部分。教龄孩子需要能做事用他们自己的方式和做出他们自己的决定。