
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/06 08:59:33
Sales of the iconic toy over the last five years have been so bad that some are suggesting it may be time for Mattel to end production of the once-ubiquitous doll. CNBC's Erin Burnett reports for On The Money.

Barbie's been in a big trouble lately. In fact, someone's even saying she's dead. Erin Burnett tonight On The Money behind an American icon.

She's almost 50, desperately in need of a makeover. No, not her, her.

Let's go barbie.

Barbie, Mattel's sweetheart seeing red in 17 of her last 20 quarters. In fact, the last 5 years have been the weakest years of her almost 50-year life span, far from a glamorous past.

During her heyday in the 90s, analyst's estimating the busty blonde would add 2 billion to Mattel's bottom line. But Barbie may have bottomed them out.

The Barbie has always been about for,you know,playing and fashion. And I think in the last a couple of years there's been a little bit too much emphasis on just having a look trendy and,and appealing to the fashion aspect to what kids want.

The Barbie is still a-billion-dollar brand. Mattel's competitor/ is like MGA Entertainment and its Bratz dolls have been creeping into Barbie's territory.

Mattel's biggest problem was they forgot to put some/ of the fun within some of the Barbie toys. And they forgot some of the basic elements.

Toys need to be magical. A child needs to open a toy and merely wants to play er,would be creativity on their own flow, electronics and Mattel was not doing that.

And today, a radical idea---kill her, dead, end of brand. LA Times Columnist Patt Morrison was writing this, Barbie's obit. Let's all have a go with Barbie. Give up on the re-re-re-invention. Take out Barbie at the top of her game. With the big, dramatic exit, Mattel could actually make a killing out of killing Barbie.Not everyone is ready to bury her. Mattel now under the control of industry veteran Neil Freemen, may be headed in the right direction.

Kids aren’t just playing with toys, they are watching movies, they are going to shows, they are wearing clothes. So the Barbie brand is not just dolls anymore, it’s 3 billion dollars with the merchandise and entertainment around the world every year.

But as Mattel's biggest seller,slumping sales could mean its time for a farewell Barbie.

On The Money, Erin Burnett,CNBC.

"近5年来Mattel公司生产的Barbie娃娃销售业绩一直低靡,以至于目前有人建议停止生产这些一度风靡全球的玩具娃娃."美国CNBC经济台记者Erin Burnett在《周一》节目中如是说.

Barbie娃娃最近遇上了大麻烦.事实上,有人说巴比已经死了.Erin Burnett在今晚的《周一》节目里,站在一个Barbie娃娃后面.









如今,一个偏激的想法---扼杀她,结束这个品牌.LA Times专栏主编Patt Morrison写下了这样的讣告.让一切都随着Barbie的安息而逝去.放弃新产品的开发.让Barbie在浪潮中激流勇退.这样一个戏剧性的谢幕,Mattel事实上可以超越扼杀Barbie的层面.平不是所有人都准备好埋葬Barbie.现今掌控Mattel公司的Neil Freemen可能带领大家走向正确的方向.


玩具销售的风格过去五年来一直不好,有的时候可以说美停止生产一度普遍存在娃娃. CNBC的报告分别就Erin钱. 芭比的是一个大麻烦近来. 事实上,有人甚至说她已死亡. Erin总监今晚在美国后面钱的标志. 她近五十家,急需一成. 不,不是她的. 让我们去巴比. 芭比、美的情人,她最后一次见到红1720宿舍. 事实上,过去5年来一直在她近50年来最年寿命,远离了过去的风光. 她在90年代鼎盛,分析师的估计busty将增加2亿美丽的底线. 但巴比可能达到了. 一向对巴比,你知道,游戏和时装. 我认为,在过去一两年就有这么一点点偏重于时尚,刚刚看到,呼吁小朋友要什么时装方面. 巴比还是亿美元的品牌. 美选手/就像MGA娱乐和Bratz芭比娃娃已经混入境内. 美最大的问题是忘了把一些/在玩的玩具芭比部分. 他们忘了一些基本要素. 神奇的玩具需. 儿童玩具,只需要打开想扮演急诊,将自己创作流程,以及电子玩具没有这样做. 而今天,激进的想法--杀死她,死亡结束品牌. La时报专栏作家Patt逊写本,芭比的探测. 让我们大家都走了,芭比. 放弃再重新改造. 芭比拿出放在她的游戏. 与大、出口急剧,竟使美中打死了大家愿意捐弃barbie.not杀害她. 泰老工业现在控制尼尔Freemen可能朝正确的方向发展. 没什么意思,只是小孩玩的玩具,孩子们看电影,他们要表明,他们穿的衣服. 所以品牌不仅仅是芭比娃娃了,它的30亿美元的商品,每年世界各地的娱乐. 但由于美最大的卖方,可能意味着其销售下滑的时候告别了芭比. 在金钱、Erin总监、CNBC.