兴山香溪在线 论坛2017:请高手帮忙翻译!用金山快译的就不要进来了

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/05 08:53:10
Has Steve Jobs Created the First 21st Century Company?
The traditional management-by-objectives theory that sapped Apple's creativity has been tossed out. Instead, Jobs is running Next by covering values, such as innovation, excellence and productivity, over results. If everyone pursues his values, positive results will inevitably follow. And he is making sure the entire company is guided by similar principles as he brings in new talent, so Next won’t trip at its first spurt of growth.
The cornerstone of this management system is Next’s unrelenting emphasis on internal communication. “Steve recognized that something unique was being created at Next. He isn’t simply devoted to developing a product,” contends Phillips Wilson, Next’s vice-president for human resources. “He is really interested in creating the first company for the 21st century.”
It may sound like a New Age management primer, but a close look inside Next shows Jobs’ approach is yielding surprising results. At company-wide monthly meetings and annual retreats, Jobs listens to suggestions and complaints and, in turn, goads employees into matching his high standards. By letting the process permeate every level of the organization, from hiring to strategic planning, Jobs is not merely building a company; he is molding a team. He is winning a degree of participation and commitment other chief executives would envy. Jobs is betting that these qualities are Next’s ticket to becoming a billion-dollar company.

Steve 工作创造第一个21 世纪公司吗? 传统管理由sapped Apple's 创造性的宗旨理论被抛撒。反而,工 作其次运行由报道价值, 譬如创新, 优秀和生产力, 结束结果。如 果大家追求他的价值, 正面结果不可避免地将随后而来。并且他是 设法整个公司由相似的原则当他带来新天分, 如此下次 won..t 旅行引导于成长它的第一喷射。这个管理系统基石是对内部通信的Next..s 不退让重点 。..Steve 认可独特事被创造于其次。他isn..t简单地致力于开发产品, .. 角逐菲利普威尔逊, Next..s 副总统为人力资源。..He 是真正地对创造第一个公司感兴 趣为第21 century...也许听起来新年龄管理底漆, 但接近神色里面其次显示 Jobs.. 方法正在产生惊奇结果。在全公司月会上和每年撤退, 工作 倾听建议和怨言和, 反过来, 棍棒雇员入匹配他的高标准。由让这个过程渗入组织的每个水 平, 从聘用对战略计划, 工作不仅仅建立公司; 他正在铸造队。他 正在赢取学位参与并且其它首席执行官嫉妒的承诺。工作正在打赌 那这些质量是到适合十亿美元公司的Next..s 票。从世界 EXECTUTIVE..S 文摘