老师对大学毕业生寄语:英语选择 最好解释一下 马上给分

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/05 10:20:35
1.in some parts of the world the indigenous population has been completely______-
a. wiped off b.wiped out c.wiped away d.wiped up
2.was it _____ the conference ofAPEC that made shanghai the focus of the world then.
a.being held b.to hold c.held d.having held
3.it was in that house ____he used to live ___-the secretmeeting was held .
a.which where b.that that c.what where d.where that .

1. 在世界的一些部份中该土地所固有的人口已经是 completely______-
一。 拭去 b.wiped了出自 c.wiped 之远 d.wiped 增加
2. 是它 _____ 当时使弹弓成为世界的焦点的会议 ofAPEC。
a.being 拿着了被拿着的 b.to 把握 c.held d.having
3. 它在那一楝房子中是 ____他过去一直住 ___-secretmeeting 被举行。
a.which 哪里 b.that 那 c.what 哪里 d.where 那。

1、b wipe out是除去,消除的意思
2、d 这是个强调句的疑问形式
3、d where he used to live是定语从句,it was in that house that the secretmeeting was held 是强调句