圣德军训基地教官名单:高分求话题为press 的英文演讲稿

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/08 11:01:00


(一)Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening

I am very pleased to welcome you all as the Australian Commerce and Industry Office's new Representative. Among you are many friends of Australia who have worked with my predecessors and helped make the Australia-Taiwan relationship what it is today. I will do my utmost to build on their and your good work in continuing to develop our relations.

Australia's relationship with Taiwan is important economically and, for many of us, at a personal level.

· Taiwan is Australia's 7th largest export market and 8th largest trading partner.
· Our economies have a natural complementarity which generates its own dynamism.
- Taiwan supplies Australia with the IT products vital to our economic growth
- Australia supplies Taiwan with high quality services in education and tourism. raw materials for your industry, and agricultural products for your consumers.

At the people-to-people level, we enjoy close links. Every year, 100,000 Taiwanese go to see and experience for themselves our beautiful country and around 30,000 have settled in Australia.

This year Taiwan's entry into the WTO, growing education links, and the launch in the Taiwan market of ABC Asia Pacific are creating new opportunities.

Australia welcomes Taiwan as a fellow WTO member and extends our heartfelt congratulations on this achievement. Taiwanese already appreciate Australia's "clean, green" products. Now, thanks to accession, Taiwanese consumers will be able to enjoy many of these products at lower prices, as well as many new products previously unavailable in this market.

The second very welcome development is the expansion in our education links. Australia's Taiwanese student numbers rose 14 per cent last year. This gives me great optimism about the future of the relationship - because these education links
represent the youth of Taiwan and Australia developing mutual understanding.

Thirdly, I am pleased to introduce today a new international television service into the Taiwan market - ABC Asia Pacific. The ABC has a worldwide reputation for quality, independent news and a rich variety of other programming. While we are conscious that of all the TV markets in Asia, Taiwan's is perhaps the most competitive, we hope you will welcome ABC-AP into your homes.

Now, would you all please raise your glasses. It gives me great pleasure to propose a toast - to Australia and all Australians, to the government and people of Taiwan, and to the future development of the Australia-Taiwan relationship.

(二)I would like to welcome you all to our second Boomerang Artist Luncheon.

In order to contribute towards better understanding of Australia, we have initiated the Boomerang Artist Program in Taiwan to project a broader image of Australia through visiting Australian artists. With the support of the Taipei Arts International Association, we are pleased to be able to invite Australian musician Colin Offord to be our speaker today.

Mr Offord is a vocalist, composer, an inventor and player of original instruments, and a world musician. He has performed in major arts festivals all around the world for over twenty years, including a solo concert in 2000 Taipei World Music Festival. You will have a chance to experience Australia’s cultural diversity through Mr Offord’s music.

I hope through today’s talk, you will gain a better understanding of Australia’s abundant cultural heritage and of our growing interaction with our neighbouring cultures. Through events such as today’s, I hope we will see the cultural ties between Australia and Taiwan become even stronger.