
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/03 02:38:03

Part I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes)
Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.
Section A
Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded
dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. A) A testing system. B) A monitor system.
C) A measuring system. D) A control system.
2. A) Car prices. B) Car services.
C) The company’s business. D) The company’s culture.
3. A) It’s easy to do. B) It’s challenging.
C) He can get a high pay. D) He did the same job before..
4. A) She’ll meet a friend. B) She will take a flight.
C) She will attend an interview at 5 o’clock. D) She will see a doctor before 5 o’clock.
5. A) She will report the complaint to the manager. B) The manager refused to talk to the man.
C) The manager was on a business trip. D) She will deal with the complaint.
Section B
Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2
recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.


首先你要搞清楚是 公共等级英语PETS 还是 大学英语等级考试CET哦:) 提醒一下下:)我猜是前者吧:)



1.M: Could you tell me where I can find a public phone??

W: You can find one in the big store across the street.?

Q: Where can the man find a public phone??

2.M: What do you think of our new manager??

W: He?s really nice, and quite experienced.?

Q: What does the woman say about the manager??

3.M: Could you send that price list to the Brown Company??

W: Certainly. I?ll do it right away. Should I send it by airmail??

Q: What is the woman likely to do??

4.W: My telephone doesn?t work. What should I do about it??

M: Why not ask Mike for help? He works for the telephone company.?

Q: What does the man mean??

5.M: How do we spend this evening??

W: An evening at the cinema will be good.?

Q: What?s the woman?s suggestion for the man???

M: It?s a pity Helen couldn?t come to see you off, Mary.?

W: I know she?s been quite busy these days, but she went to my hotel to say goodbye yesterday.?

M: Yes. She?s been busy with her work.?

W: I do hope she?ll be able to relax soon.?

M: Yes, she will. You know, we have to get our products made for the Christmas season.?

W: You?ve been doing a wonderful job. I especially like your new design of the toys.?

M: I hope they sell well this Christmas season.?

W: I?m sure they will. Oh, they?re announcing my flight. I have to go now.?

M: Bye, and take care.?

W: Bye.?

Questions 6 and 7 are based on the conversation you?re heard. ?

6. Where were the two speakers??

7. Why didn?t Helen come to see Mary off??


M: Hello, ABC Company. What can I do for you??

W: This is Jenny Black from the Smith Company. Can I speak to Mr. Peter Hall, please??

M: Speaking.?

W: Mr. Hall, I?m calling about the delivery of the printers.?

M: When did you order them??

W: About a week ago, and they should have been here yesterday.?

M: I?m sorry about that. Now, let?s see what can be done. Your printers can be delivered tomorrow morning.?

W: Tomorrow morning will be fine. So, what time can we expect your truck??

M: Should we say between 10 and 11??

W: Good.?

M: My apologies for the delay. Bye.?

W: Bye.?

[WTHZ]Questions 8 to 10 are based on the conversation you?re heard. ?

8. Why does the woman call the man??

9. What product has the woman ordered??

10. Why does the man feel sorry???

Americans depend on their cars more than any other people. The family car has been a common thing in the early 20th century, and it has changed American life. Many people have moved outside of the large cities to the suburbs. Some Americans spend two hours a day or more in their cars going to work and back home. Cars have become the means of transportation for most Americans when they go shopping and even go on vacations. In the past, Americans liked big cars, and the gas wasn?t expensive. However, the price of gas has greatly increased in recent years. Smaller cars and foreign cars have become very popular. That?s why Japanese and German cars sell well in the US.?


11. When did the family car become common in America??

12. Why do more Americans have to drive to work??

13. Why do people like smaller cars now??

14. How popular are Japanese and German cars in the US??

15. What does the speaker mainly talk about????



1. 答案:C。?

【分析】 本题为细节题。男士想找公用电话,女士告诉他可以在街对面的大商店里找到。故答案为In a big store。?

2. 答案:A。?

【分析】 本题为细节题。当男士问到对于新经理的看法时,由女士回答的关键词“quite experienced”可知答案选A。?

3. 答案: D。?

【分析】 本题为推理题。 男士要女士给布朗公司寄一份价格表,女士回答说马上就去寄,因此答案选D。?

4. 答案:B。?

【分析】 本题为细节题。女士说她的电话机出了故障,不知如何是好,男士说“为什么不请迈克帮忙呢,因为他在电话公司工作”。因此男士的意思是她可以请迈克帮忙。?

5. 答案:A。?

【分析】 本题为推理题。男士问今天下午做什么好,女士回答说“下午去电影院会是不错的”,因此女士建议他去看电影。?


6. 答案:C。?

【分析】 本题为推理题。本题问的是两个说话的人在什么地方,由对话中的关键词“announcing my flight”可推知,这两个说话的人是在飞机场。?

7. 答案:A。?

【分析】 本题为细节题。由对话中的关键词“She?s been busy with her work”可知,海伦没来给玛丽送行,是因为她正在忙于工作。?

8. 答案:C。?

【分析】 本题为细节题。本题问的是女士为什么给男士打电话,由对话中女士说的“I?m calling about the delivery of the printers” 可知,她打电话是为了询问有关交货(delivery)的问题。?

9. 答案:B。?

【分析】 本题为细节题。本题问的是那位女士定购了什么货物,由对话中女士说的“I?m calling about the delivery of the printers” 可知,她定购的是打印机(printer)。?

10. 答案:D。?

【分析】 本题为细节题。本题问的是那位男士道歉的原因。男士最后说“My apologies for the delay.”,由此可知,他是因为延迟发货而表示歉意,故答案选D。??

11. 答案:20th century?

【分析】 本题为细节题。讲话者在第二句话说“The family car has been a common thing in the early 20th century”,故此处应该填20th century。?

12. 答案:large cities?

【分析】 本题为细节题。由讲话者提到的“Many people have moved outside of the large cities to the suburbs.”可知,此处应该填large cities。?

13. 答案:greatly increased?

【分析】 本题为细节题。由讲话者提到的“However, the price of gas has greatly increased in recent years.”可知,此处应该填greatly increased。?

14. 答案:well?

【分析】 本题为细节题。讲话者在最后一句说“That?s why Japanese and German cars sell well in the US.”,故此处应该填well。?

15. 答案:Cars?

【分析】 本题为综合题。听完全问可知,这篇文章讲的是小汽车在美国的重要性,及其发展概况。??



16. 答案:B?

【分析】 本题考查对固定搭配的掌握。in need of为固定搭配,意为“需要……”。?

17. 答案:D?

【分析】 本题考查副词how的用法。根据句意在会议上应是不知“how to express her ideas”,意为“如何表达她的想法”。?

18. 答案:A?

【分析】 本题考查对分词短语用法的掌握。本句中的过去分词短语known as a splendid speaker作定语,修饰the professor。?

19. 答案:C?

【分析】 本题考查对分词短语用法的掌握。由Getting引导的分词短语在句中做状语,表示原因。?

20. 答案:B?

【分析】 本题考查对时态的掌握。根据since引导的时间状语从句可知,主句要用完成时态,故答案只能 B。?

21. 答案:C?

【分析】 本题考查对从句引导词的掌握。根据句意,从句要表达的意思是“如果有任何问题或需求”,即表示假设的状语从句,故要选If引导。?

22. 答案:D?

【分析】 本题考查对动词regret用法的掌握。动词regret后接动名词,表示后悔做了某事,这里是说她并不后悔花费一年的时间作了环球旅行。?

23. 答案:A?

【分析】 本题考查对非谓语动词用法的掌握。“you”和“interview”构成动宾关系,因此应用被动形式,而作为after 的介词宾语,应用?ing 形式,故选A。?

24. 答案:D?

【分析】 本题考查对倒装句的掌握。由于句中有否定词no,所以on no occasion(决不)后的句子要用倒装句式。?

25. 答案:A?

【分析】 本题考查对虚拟语气的掌握。It is most desirable that意为“值得做的;值得想望的”,that引导的从句要用(should)+动词原形。如:It is most desirable that he should attend the conference. 他能参加此次会议,是最好不过的了。??

26. 答案:settlement根据句子结构分析,这里要填入一名词,即settlement。?

27. 答案:will have produced?

【分析】根据时间状语By the end of this year,主句应该用将来完成时。?

28. 答案:more humorous?


29. 答案:widen?

【分析】根据句中的in order to,此处应该填动词原形,而wide是形容词,故要加动词后缀。?

30. 答案:was elected?


31. 答案:to put?


32. 答案:economic?


33. 答案:had taken?


34. 答案:additional?


35. 答案:Watched?

【分析】根据句子结构分析,这里应该填动词的过去分词形式,表示被动含义。过去分词短语Watched by a crowd of people在这里作原因状语。??

36. 答案:D?

【分析】 本题为细节题。短文第二句话告诉我们“Retailers attracted discount hungry consumers with specials of televisions, DVD players and other gifts.”,由此可知,是感恩节期间零售商们特别的折扣吸引了顾客的大量购买。?

37. 答案:A?

【分析】 本题为细节题。本题可以在短文的第二段找到答案。“Shoppers did seem to like the many markdowns”这句话告诉我们,顾客喜欢购买打折商品。?

38. 答案:B?

【分析】 本题为细节推理题。在短文的第一段,作者说零售商们喜欢用特别的折扣吸引顾客购买商品,接着就举Wal-Mart 和Target为例,由此可知,Wal-Mart 和Target是两家大零售商。?

39. 答案:A?

【分析】 本题为细节推理题。在说这句话之前,这位女士说“I?ve never seen so many sales.”面对如此多的商品,她当然是不知挑选什么好,故答案选A。?

40. 答案:D?

【分析】 本题为综合推理题。这篇短文讲的是感恩节期间,零售商们用特别的折扣吸引顾客,既然顾客大量购买商品,零售商们的销售就会增加,故答案选D。?

[CSX%0,0,0,15][FK(Q+6mm\.18mm][WTHZ]Task 2 [FK)][CSX]?

41. 答案:B?

【分析】 本题为细节题。短文第二句话说“Each fall, GM recruiters visit the campuses of many of the nation?s top engineering and business colleges and universities to recruit students.” 由此可知,通用汽车公司的招聘人员会招聘学工程和商业的学生。?

42. 答案:C?

【分析】 本题为细节推理题。短文第一段倒数第二句说“Check out our Recruiting Calendar to see if GM will be visiting your campus” 由此可知,Recruiting Calendar指的是招聘人员将要去的学院。?

43. 答案:A?

【分析】 本题为细节题。短文第一段最后一句说“If your campus is not listed, please apply online.”如果你们的学院没有被列入表中,请在网上申请,故答案选A。?

44. 答案:B?

【分析】 本题为综合推理题。短文最后一段谈的是通用汽车公司如何针对全日制学习的学生进行培训,文中提及了经验,对GM的了解及工资,故答案选B。?

45. 答案:D?

【分析】 本题为细节推理题。短文最后一句说“Candidates for there programs must successfully complete an online assessment and possess qualifications that match the business needs of the organization.”由此可知,该计划是从公司的需要出发,即为了给公司发掘高级人才,故答案选D。?

[CSX%0,0,0,15][FK(Q+6mm\.18mm][WTHZ]Task 3 [FK)][CSX]?

46. 答案:Practical Everyday English?

【分析】 本题为细节题。由短文最后一段第一句“The Practical Everyday English series consists of a collection of words and expressions used every day by classes of society.” 可知,书名为“Practical Everyday English”。?

47. 答案:two?

【分析】 本题为细节题。短文第一句话说“We at Monteserrat Publishing have published two books ”,由此可知有两本书。?

48. 答案:intermediate and advanced?

【分析】 本题为细节题。短文第一句话说“…devoted to improving the everyday vocabulary of intermediate and advanced English language students”,由此可知,该书是写给学习中、高级英语的学生的。?

49. 答案:vocabulary?

【分析】 本题为细节题。短文第一句话说“…devoted to improving the everyday vocabulary of intermediate and advanced English language students”,由此可知,该书的第一个目的是扩大学生的词汇量(vocabulary)。?

50. 答案:words and expressions?

【分析】短文最后一段第一句话说“The Practical Everyday English series consists of a collection of words and expressions used every day by classes of society.”由此可知,答案为words and expressions。?

51. 答案:G,V?

【分析】Appeal(上诉) Body(机构); Most-favored-nation(最惠国) Treatment(待遇)?

52. 答案:T,N?

【分析】Peace(和平) Clause(条款); Import(进口) Licensing(许可)?

53. 答案:O,E?

【分析】Market(市场) Access(准入); Investment(投资) in Non-productive(非生产性的)Project(计划,工程)?

54. 答案:K,H?

【分析】Food(食品) Security(安全保障); Common (共同的)Agriculture(农业) Policy(政策)?

55. 答案:D,A?

【分析】Risk(风险) Management(管理); Dispute(争端)Settlement(解决) Body(机构)?


56. 答案:Drilling machine?

【分析】 本题为细节题。由合同的第一条“The Seller will arrange and sell 260 sets of drilling machines in the following two fiscal years”可知,生产的是drilling machine。?

57. 答案:The Buyer?

【分析】 本题为细节题。由合同的第三条“The Buyer should pay the Seller by irrevocable L/C and take care of the insurance” 可知,保险应由买主支付。?

58. 答案:irrevocable L/C?

【分析】 本题为细节题。由合同的第三条“The Buyer should pay the Seller by irrevocable L/C and take care of the insurance” 可知,买主应支付卖主不可撤销信用证。?

59. 答案:Two years?

【分析】 本题为细节题。由合同的第六条“The present contract is written in English, valid for two years, after which it may be extended, amended or discontinued” 可知,合同有效期为两年。?

60. 答案:representatives?

【分析】 本题为细节题。由合同的第七条“The contract was signed on April 14, 2005 in Hefei by representatives of the two parties” 可知,“双方代表”在合同上签了字。?


Part Ⅳ

61. 答案:C?

【分析】解答本题的关键是对it comes to的正确理解,it comes to意为“就……而言”,故只有选项C为最佳答案。?

62. 答案:A?

【分析】a three-year-old car意为“使用了3年的”,trouble-free driving意为“不出故障的驾驶”,只有正确理解了这两短语,就可判断出选项A为最佳答案。?

63. 答案:B?

【分析】a valia reason 意为“正当的或充分的理由”,A误译,C漏译,这两项可排除,又由句末的定语从句中的“suffer”可知是“遭受的损失”,而不是“提出的”,故B是最佳答案。?

64. 答案:D?

【分析】which are available to Chinese users是定语,修饰名词techniques and services,即“有关中国用户可利用的技术与服务”,up-to-date 意为“最新的”,故选项D为最佳答案。?


65. 参考译文: ?


Part Ⅴ ?


Dec. 13th, 2005?

Dear Manager of Personnel Department,?

On behalf of our group company, I feel deeply honoured to invite you to attend the workshop on personnel administration. The main purpose of the workshop is to discuss the new patterns and approaches for personnel administration under the new situation. And we have invited Professor Dingyi, the famous expert of Administrative College of Binhai University, to be our keynote speaker.?

The following are some important information about the workshop: ?

Time: Jan.1st -4th?

Venue: Friendship Hotel, Binhai?

Please inform us whether or not you could attend the workshop. And if you want to take part in the workshop, please mail the outline of your lecture to the Human Resources Department of Orient Group Company before Dec.20th.?

I?m looking forward to your reply!?

Yours Sincerely,?

Zhang Jianguo ?

Manager, Resources Department, ?

Orient Group Co.


例如:observe : 观察,观测,遵守,评述。
~ the rules of your school 在这个句子里是指“遵守”。
4、注意多记词组。get ,take, put接的down, of,…
6、语法,与词汇量同等重要。注意:动词,非谓语动词,to--,-- ing ; 形容词、副词的基本用法;虚拟语气,如何变化;记语法规则,可生搬硬套用。




















一级 二级 三级 四级 五级
听力 答题卡1 答题卡1 答题卡1 答题卡1 答题卡1
(OMR) (OMR) (OMR) (人工及OMR)(人工及OMR)
写作 答题卡2 答题卡2 答题卡2 答题卡2* 答题卡2
(人工) (人工) (人工) (人工) (人工)

口试 登分卡 登分卡 登分卡 登分卡 登分卡





一级 二级 三级 四级 五级
听力 20 20 25 30 35
英语知识运用 20 25 15 15 20
阅读理解 30 35 40 60 50
写作 20 40 40 35 35
笔试(共) 90 120 120 140 140
口试(共) 8 10 10 12 15



一级 二级 三级 四级 五级

搞旁门左道没用 有靠自己的实力




