
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/04 23:34:15
Strategic Role of Information
During the 1990s the National Library has used the concept of information as a
strategic resource for New Zealand as a focal point in its planning. In addition to
continuing to develop its own electronic services, the National Library participated in two public sector projects for enhancing information use. The Library took part in the
planning of a new national communications network, known at this stage as the New
Zealand Research, Education and Information Network (later, Tuianet), which linked
together a number of publicly-funded institutions. The other initiative to which the National Library contributed in its formative stages was the exploratory project known as the World Communications Laboratory. The project was designed to promote opportunities for both the commercial development of broadband technologies and liaison among government agencies with an interest in the development or application of such technologies.
The National Library continued to promote the strategic role of information in its
policy advice to government. The future management of information resources
belonging to the new Crown Research Institutes set up as part of the government sector reform process was a topic of concern. The National Library also supported proposals from the Ministry of Commerce for a government-led development of information
strategy in New Zealand mentioned in the Ministry’s discussion paper “Review of
Information Technology Policy in New Zealand.”
Recognizing the need to develop a better knowledge base to support its policy work
on government information issues, the National Library undertook a project which
culminated in the publication of “Government Information: A Review of the Literature”in January 1994. The review covered works published since 1988 that dealt with the nature, purpose, and management of government information, largely at the national level. The countries chosen for inclusion in the review were Western democracies with political traditions similar to those of New Zealand. The review provided a commentary
on the cited works of each country, grouping them into such categories as scope of
government information, management issues, access issues, trading government
information, and national information policy.
The information brought together by the literature review helped the National Library
to determine priorities for its research and policy programs. The key information policy
issues for public access to government information in New Zealand were discussed by
Anna Chalmers, the National Library’s Research Manager, in a paper delivered at the
Colloquium on Government and Parliamentary Information, School of Information,
Library and Archive Studies, University of New South Wales in Australia in July 1994.
The current National Library research project on the Depository Library Scheme
discussed below was developed in response to the priorities identified in 1994.

该著作评论提供的信息帮助国家图书馆测定其研究和政策计划的优先级。新西兰政府信息公共通道的政策问题的关键信息被国家图书馆的研究管理人员Anna Chalmers在一篇发表于讨论会的论文上论述,这个关于政府和议会信息,信息学院,图书和档案研究的讨论会于1994年在澳洲的新南威尔士大学举行。当前国家图书馆关于图书贮存计划讨论的研究工程发展于1994年对优先级讨论的基础上。




在20世纪90年代,国家图书馆利用信息作为一种战略资源的观念新西兰作为重点进行规划. 除了继续发展自己的电子化服务,国家图书馆参加了两个项目,以加强公共部门使用信息.图书馆参与策划了一个新的国家通信网,了解现阶段的新西兰研究、教育和信息网(后Tuianet),连在一起的若干政府资助的机构.另外,国家图书馆主动帮助其成长阶段被称为世界的探索通信工程实验室. 该项目旨在促进双方的商业发展机会,宽带技术和政府机构之间的联系与发展有兴趣或适用这种技术.国家图书馆继续推动作用战略情报对政府政策的意见.未来属于信息资源管理的新皇冠研究院成立,这是政府部门的改革进程是一个值得关注的课题. 国家图书馆还支持提案的国家商务部的一个政府主导的发展战略,在资讯纽西兰教育部所提的讨论文件"回头看信息技术政策在新西兰"
认识到有必要制定更好的知识基础,以支持其对政府工作的政策问题的信息,国家图书馆进行最后一个项目,在出版的"政府信息:检讨文学"于1994年1月. 自1988年以来出版的作品包括检讨,处理的性质、宗旨、政府管理信息,主要是在国家一级.选择国家列入审查的政治传统与西方国家相似NewZealand. 审查提供的一篇评论指出,每个国家的作品,汇集成这种类型的政府信息范围、管理问题,接受问题,政府贸易信息、国家政策信息.
资料汇集了全国图书馆文献,帮助确定优先事项和政策的研究计划. 关键信息政策问题向公众开放政府信息,NewZealand讨论了安娜韶、国家图书馆的科研管理人员,在一篇发表在座谈会政府与国会资料、学校信息、图书馆和研究档案,于澳洲新南威尔斯大学于1994年7月.

啊啊啊..累死了楼主!` 你可要加分啊 我拚老命翻的!``嘻嘻``