
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/06 16:16:28


一、 用作不可数名词
1. What's the time ?
2. On weekdays,what time do you get up ?
需要注意的是:what time和when 都可译为“何时”、“什么时候”,问钟点时两者可以互换。如:
What time/When do you get up in the morning ?
(1) 当询问年月日时,只能用when不能用what time ?。如:
-----When was she born ?
------She was born in July 1993.
(2) 当询问的是关于某一天的具体时刻时,只能用what time。如:
-----What time did you get home yesterday ?
------I got home at eleven .
二、 用作可数名词
He has spell his name many times .
They surf three times a day .
三、 由time构成的短语
1.It's time for+动词原形
It's time for break .
3.Have a good time 玩得很高兴,过的很愉快
A lot of people came on that day ,and they all had a good time .
4.All the time 一直
The memory robot followed Mr Mott all the time .
5.At a bad time of year 在全年中不好的时节里
You came here at a bad time of year .I'm afaid .
6.At this time of day (在一天的)这个时候
I think the shop is closed at this time of day .
7.At this time of year (在一年的)这个时节里
It's very different from Australia at this time of year .
8. At times 时常
It will be cloudy at times .
9.At the same time 同时
I can see the world at the same time .
10. On time按时,准时,不早不晚
It doesn't matter ,but tomorrow please be on time .
11.Take one's time 不急,慢慢干
No hurry! Please take your time !
12.In time 及时
If you hurry ,you'll get there just in time .
13.Take time 花费(时间)
Don't worry .It takes time .
14.Once upon a time 从前,很早以前
Once upon a time ,a man told people of the coming of a baby .
15.In a few years' time 再过几年的时间
In a few years' time ,those mountains will be covered with trees ,too !
16. By the time到……的时候
By the time we got there ,the bus had already gone .
一. 句型

1. It’s time for sth . 或 It’s time ( for sb . ) to do sth . 意为:该是……的时候了。例如:

It’s time for dinner . 该是吃晚餐的时候了。

It’s time for children to go to bed . 是小孩睡觉的时候了。

2. It’s ( high ) time ( that ) sb . did sth .

意为:该是……的时候了。该句型中的that 从句需要用虚拟语气,谓语动词常用过去式。例如:It’s high time that we stated . 我们该出发了。

It’s time that we devoted ourselves to our country . 该是我们报效祖国的时候啦。

3. This is the time when sb . should do sth . 或The time has come when sb . should do sth . 这两个句型也用来表示“该是……的时候了”,when 引导的定语从句用陈述语气或“should + 动词原形”的形式。例如:This is the time when you should get up .是你该起床的时候了。

The time has come when we must part from each other .该是我们必须道别的时候了。


It’s time for school . It’s time for us to go to school .

It’s ( high ) time that we went to school .

This is the time when we should go to school .

The time has come when we should go to school .

4. every ( each , any , next , first , last ) time 作连词使用,引导时间状语从句。例如:

Every ( Each ) time I saw him , I found him to be taller . 我每次遇见他,都觉得他又长高了。

The last ( first ) time I went to China , I visited Shanghai .


5. by the time 引导时间状语从句时,意为:到……时为止,主句一定要用完成时态。例如:

By the time he was twelve , Edison had built a chemistry lab for himself 。


6. This is the first ( second , last ) time ( that ) sb . has done sth . 意为:是某人第几次……。在该句型中,this 可以由that 或it 替换;从句中的谓语动词必须用完成式,且要与主句谓语动词be 的时态保持一致。 例如:

This is the third time I have been to Beijing . 这是我第三次去北京了。

That wasn’t the first time Linda had taken too many pills .


It will be the fifth time that he will have been invited to such a meeting .


7. 三倍以上倍数的表达方式常用以下几种句型:

(1)A is times + as + 形容词或副词的原级 + as + B

(2)A is times + 形容词或副词的比较级 + than + B .

(3)A is times + the + 名词 + of + B .

例如:The sitting room is 3 times as large as the kitchen . 起居室的面积是厨房的三倍。

Your bag is three times larger than mine . 你的包比我的大三倍。

Your cake is twice the size of mine . 你的蛋糕比我的大一倍。

< 1 >

提示:以上三个句型可互相换用,但有两点需注意:在使用句型(2)时,要注意“倍数”的表达法,使用句型(3)时应首先掌握length , width , depth , height , weight , size 等几个由形容词变化过来的名词形式。例如:

The boy is three times as heavy as his little brother .

The boy is twice heavier than his little brother .

The boy is three times the weight of his little brother .

二. 词组

1. in no time 立刻;马上

at no time 决不;在什么时候也不(当at no time位于句首时,该句须用倒装语序)例如:

They arrived in no time . 他们立刻赶到了。

At no time should we give in . 在任何时候我们都不要屈服。

2. at a time 一次;同时

at one time 从前;曾有一时(常与过去式连用)例如:

We can’t do two things well at a time . 我们不能同时做好两件事情。

At one time there were not so many cars on the streets . 从前这条街上没有这么多车。

3. ( at ) any time 随时(at可省略)any time 哪里,哪里;随时效劳(是用来回答别人道谢的话)例如:You may use my dictionary ( at ) any time . 你随时可以使用我的字典。

—Thanks for helping me out of trouble . 多谢您的帮助,我摆脱了困境。

—Any time . 随时为你效劳。

4. at all times 经常;老是(= always ).at times 有时;偶尔(= sometimes )例如:

He comes late to school at all times . 他老是上学迟到。

At times I go out to the beach . 有时候我到海滩去。

5. some time 一段时间;一些时候

sometime 将来某个时候

sometimes 偶尔;有时

some times 若干次 例如:

I have been waiting for your for some time . 我等你老长时间了。

I’ll visit you sometime next year . 明年有机会我会去拜访你的。

He comes to see me sometimes . 他有时来看我。

He has been here some times . 他来过这儿多次了。



He timed his journey so that he could arrive at the hotel before dark .


How long can you hold your breath underwater ? Take a deep breath and I’ll time you .


What time is it?

What’s the time?


1. time为不可数名词,“时间”、“闲暇”之意

(1) It’s time for something.

It’s time (for sb.) to do something.


如: It’s time for lunch.

It’s time for us to have lunch.

(2) I’ve no time to …


如:I’ve no time to play football with you. I have to finish the homework.

2. 为可数名词,“次数”、“倍数”之意

(1) 表示次数:一次once 两次twice 三次或三次以上three times, four times

如:I’ve been to Beijing three times.

(2) 表示倍数:规则变化

如:This lake is two times as large as that one. (这个湖是那个湖的两倍)

3. 为“乘”之意

如:Five times six is thirty.

One times four is four.


all the time 一直

at times 有时

behind the times 落伍,赶不上时代

have a good time 玩得愉快,度过好时光

in time 及时

on time 准时,按时

take one’s time 慢慢来,不着急

take time off 腾出时间


Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金。

Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不等人。

The wisest thing is time, for it brings everything to light. 时间最明智,因为它能揭开时间一切秘密。

If you work hard, you’ll succeed in time. 功到自然成。

With time and patience the leaf of the mulberry becomes satin. 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。
time(); 返回1970年1月1日零点以来的秒数.