
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/06 18:05:49
文化是通过长时间的努力创造出来的,是人类特有的,文化不是先天的,而是后天习得的,是人们行动的指南,文化中的大部分是不自觉的 ,文化是动态的,文化的形态与一定的历史时期相联系。文化影响人的思维与行为,这也是中方委婉含蓄与西方直白的根源所在。例如,在西方,对人物的描写,注重不可见的独白和内在心理描写。而中国,则注重外在行为的描述,来反映人物的心理。中国的山水画是以纵轴统观全局,人物、动物、植物描绘以勾勒轮廓为主。西方人物和动物绘画都要求以解剖学为基础,静物风景则讲究透视比例的立体感。在中国强调以国家、民族、宗族、家庭为重,乡土观念浓厚,而西方以个人为重心,强调子女脱离父母独立生活和奋斗为光荣

Culture is created by the prolonged effort is unique to mankind and culture is not inherent but acquired learned that the guide was, the majority culture is not conscious, culture is dynamic and cultural patterns of a certain historical period and linked. Cultural influence people's thinking and behaviour, it is the Chinese side highly implicit and the West put the source. For example, in the West, the description of the characters, not visible to the soliloquy and inner psychological description. China is focusing on external acts described to reflect the psychological figure. China is vertical axis comprehensive view of the overall situation of Chinese landscape painting, figure, animal, plant-based paints to draw contours. Western countries have called for painting figures and animal anatomy-based, painting scenery is about the proportion of three-dimensional X-ray flu. China stressed in a national, ethnic, clan, family, home values strong, and the West to focus on individuals, children separated from parents stressed for independent living and glorious struggle