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Valentine's Day (情人节)
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February 14th is a complicated but interesting holiday. First of all, Valentine's Day is not a holiday from work. No one gets a day off[1]. On Valentine's Day people usually send romantic cards to someone they love or want to be loved by. The cards are called "valentines". They are very colourful, often decorated with hearts, flowers or birds, and have humorous or sentimental verses printed inside. The basic message of the verse is always "Be My Valentine", "Be My Sweet Heart" or "Lover". A valentine is anonymous, or sometimes signed "Guess who". The person receiving it has to guess who sent it. This can lead to interesting speculation. And that's half the fun of valentines.
The affectionate message might be carried by a heart - shaped box of chocolate candies, or by a bouquet of flowers tied with red ribbon. But in whatever form, the message is the same - "Will you be my valentine?"
One of the symbols of St. Valentine's Day is the Roman god of Love, called Cupid. Cupid is often printed on the card, who is winged infant without wearing anything, poised to shoot his arrow into a heart. He would shoot an arrow of love into a person's heart to make the person fall in love[2] immedia-tely, maybe with the first person to come along. Sometimes one arrow would go through[3] two hearts, holding them together. So on February 14th not only do we have picture of the Christian St. Valentine but we also have pictures of the non-Christian Cupid, the Roman god of Love.
But it is from the Christians that we get the stories about Valen-tine's Day that most people have come to believe[4]. One story is about a Christian man whose name sounded something like "Valentine." He lived around 250 A.D. At that time the Roman Emperor Claudius refused to allow any Roman soldiers to get married for any reason whatsoever. Christian couples came to Valentine to be married. So Valentine would marry them in a Christian way. He was discovered and put in prison by the Emperor.One tradition says that he wrote notes to his friends by marking on leaves and then throwing them out the window of his prison. And the leaves were shaped like a heart.
二月十四日是一个复杂而又有趣的节日。首先,情人节不是一个休假日。没人放假。在情人节这一天,人们爱谁或想得到谁的爱,就可给那个人寄去充满浪漫情趣的卡片。这种卡片叫"情人卡"。情人卡色彩鲜艳,常装饰有心、花或鸟,里面还印有幽默或感伤性的诗句。这些诗句传递的基本信息总是"做我的情人吧"、"做我甜蜜的心上人吧"、"情人"。 情人卡是不署名的,有时也可签上"猜是谁"。收到卡片的人要猜是谁寄的。这样可产生有趣的推测,这也正是情人卡的一些乐趣。

In pagan days, February 14 was celebrated in anticipation of the love rites of spring. Tradition held that on that day, doves coupled and owls paired. Taking their cue from the birds, single men and women would hold toga parties during which the winners of a love lottery would slip off to make love.

In Rome, the emperor Claudius was said to have imprisoned St. Valentine in 269 for Christian faith. On the eve of his execution, Valentine, who had fallen in love with his jailer's blind daughter, wrote her a sonnet in ink that he squeezed from violets. His words are said to have made the blind woman see again, but her father was unimpressed. The following day, he clubbed Valentine to death.