
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/17 10:08:30

爱屋及乌:love me, love my dog
饥不择食:Beggars must not/can\'t be choosers.
良药苦口:Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.
捷足先登:The early bird gets/catches the worm.
自作自受:As you brew, so you must drink.
覆水难收:What\'s done can\'t be undone.
木已成舟:The die is cast.
欲速则不达:Fool\'s haste is no speed;More haste less speed.
得寸进尺:Given him an inch and he\'ll take an ell.
三思而后行:Look before you leap.
以毒攻毒:Like eures like.
积少成多:Many a little/pickle make a mickle.
同病相怜:Misey loves annpany.
祸不单行:Misfortunes never come singly.
隔墙有耳:Pitcher have ears;Walls have ears.
明珠暗投:Cost pearls before swine.
因小失大:Spoil/Lost the ship for a ha`p`orth/half penny worth of tar.
恶有恶报:Wickedness does not go altogether unrequited.
静水深流:Still/Smooth waters run deep.