重装机兵3装备:哪位大侠帮忙翻译一下以下这一段话 谢谢 有急用啊

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/07 01:38:42
注意事项:请置于阴凉干爽处,以减低受潮氧化的机会;不建议在微波炉使用本产品(微波炉的烧烤、烘 菊、及解冻功能除外)在微波炉使用本产品前,请参阅及遵照微波炉生产商的指示。

Caution: place this product in cool and dry places in order to reduce the chances of getting wet and oxidized; We do not recommand that it be used in a microwave, (except cook, warm and defrost functions). Before using microwave with this product, read and follow the instructions of the manufacturer.

Matters needing attention: Please put in coolly is dry and clear place, by decreases is affected with damp the oxidized opportunity; Did not suggest uses this product in the microwave oven (microwave oven to bake, to dry chrysanthemum, and defrosting function is an exception) uses in front of this product in the microwave oven, please refer and obeys the microwave oven producer the instruction.
Question supplement that, 保鲜膜

Please be kept in a cool and dry place to reduce the probability of oxidation subjected to moisture. It is not recommended to use this prtoduct with a microwave oven (except for the fuctions of baking, drying and defreezing by a microwave oven). Refer to and follow the instructions by microweave oven manufacturer before using this product with a microwave oven.

Guidelines : Please dry Department under the shade to reduce affected with damp oxide opportunities;
Does not recommend the use of this product in microwave ovens (microwave ovens the barbecue, bake orange, and thaw functions except) in microwave ovens use this product, please refer to and comply with microwave ovens manufacturer's instructions.
