
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/02 17:57:19

These two cheery girls, from the summer beginning of 2001, become a rightness of to relate to the male 仔 of close son, constitute the Twins, and beat the clear love of the song " to like to take lessons the agency ″ with a fast lord, letting everyone know their song road.

  Get the local cola company concerns the Chui qing ke together Chinese national football team cooperation, take an invests hundred million dollars advertisements, to celebrate the Chinese brigade to beat into 2002 for world cup finals week successfully.

  G:( January of 2002) the head open widely the disc to release and then sell out right city, sell near more than 40,000 pieces, the single song of virgin ascends the HMV to sell to measure the champion more very and soon.( August of 2001) is constitute by the company arrangement and Cai Zhuo Yan the woman combination Twins, flee namely soon red(2000) went in to go by, have the time to have a holiday to return Hong Kong from Australia, the starzpeople continues to do the Part- time Model to earn the school fees, being subjected to the wife of shop-owner of starzpeople to appreciate, introducing to the mani. (2000) drive mother the electricity returns to harbor to attend" Ying Huang Chao Xin Xing Da Sai", but she compare other the one who take part in a game is lucky, the hour of personal interview hases already got boss' to be subjected to appreciate, need not attend the game to have already acquired one paper agent and the record contracts, a label then decade, keep go to in 2010 just about full.

  C:( January of 2002) the head open widely the disc to release and then sell out right city, sell near more than 40,000 pieces, the single song of virgin ascends the HMV to sell to measure the champion more very and soon. ( August of 2001) make a contract with the Ying Huang , constitute the woman combination Twins with the Zhong xin tong , soon namely flee red(2000) medium three beginningses, on the lunch box magazine and the advertisement model

  中文: 这两位活泼女孩,由2001年夏天开始,成为一对关系密切的孖公仔,组成Twins,并以一首轻快主打歌"明爱暗恋补习社″,让大家认识他们的歌艺。


  G:(2002年1月) 首张大碟推出便卖断市,售出近四万多张,处女EP更极速登上HMV销量冠军。(2001年8月) 受公司安排与蔡卓妍组成女子组合Twins,不久即窜红 (2000年) 入行经过,有次从澳洲放假返香港,starzpeople继续做Part-time Model赚学费,受到starzpeople老板娘赏识,介绍给mani。 (2000年)被母亲电召回港参加「英皇超新星大赛」,但她却比其他参赛者幸运,面试时已获老板杨受成赏识,不用参加比赛已经获得一纸经理人及唱片合约,一签便十年,直至2010年才约满。

  C:(2002年1月) 首张大碟推出便卖断市,售出近四万多张,处女EP更极速登上HMV销量冠军。 (2001年8月) 与英皇签约,与钟欣桐组成女子组合Twins,不久即窜红 (2000年) 中三开始,便当上杂志及广告模特儿


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