
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/08 07:43:12
John Ross, the famous film star, died yesterday. At ten past two in the afternoon, there was a shot and John Ross was dead. Was it an accident or did somebody kill him?
When I arrived, John Ross was in the library. He was lying on the floor, dead. There was a gun next to him. The gun was clean and there were no fingerprints on it. I saw the windows were open and there was an empty cup on the desk. There were fingerprints on the window, the cup and the handle of the library door. They were the fingerprints of John Ross and Wilson, the driver.
I checked the other rooms. There was some oil on the handle of the front door. In the living room the television was on. In the dinning room there was a broken plate on the floor. In the kitchen there were some potatoes.
There were three other people in the house that afternoon: Wilson, the driver; Mrs. Clare, the cook and Mr. Ross’s daughter, Donna. Wilson was outside. He was repairing the car. Mrs. Clare was making some potato pies, and Miss. Ross was watching television in the living room.
At two o’clock Wilson took Mr. Ross a cup of tea in the library. Mr. Ross was sitting at his desk and cleaning his gun. Wilson put the cup of tea on the desk, and then he opened the windows and left the room. At ten past two, Wilson was setting the table in the dining room while Mrs. Clare was cooking the last dish. When he heard the shot, Mr. Wilson dropped one of the plates and ran to the library.


不会是 福尔摩斯吧?
回答者:soszhaiqu - 秀才 二级 5-8 09:08

回答者:joekwon - 秀才 二级 5-9 20:49

回答者:zgldf - 助理 三级 5-9 20:54

回答者:wlnl - 助理 三级 5-11 08:07

回答者:优雅な子 - 见习魔法师 二级 5-11 20:48

回答者:紫菲梦 - 见习魔法师 二级 5-11 20:52

回答者:liangnova - 魔法学徒 一级 5-11 20:53

回答者:暮鼓曲线 - 秀才 二级 5-11 20:57

回答者:蓝蓝的蓝呀 - 试用期 一级 5-11 20:57

回答者:通天晓ABC - 秀才 二级 5-11 20:58

回答者:炽天使沙加 - 见习魔法师 二级 5-11 21:48




