袁世凯变法主张:dink smallwood这个rpg游戏有没有人玩过啊?我现在陷入了僵局,有谁可以帮帮我啊

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/13 22:55:00
我玩的游戏版本是英文版dink smallwood,游戏里面我和镇长已经谈过一次,他叫我拿出证据,我不知道怎么获得证据,我杀掉了侏儒圣堂的守卫,可还是进不去,游戏怎么也玩不下去了,只能重复走来走去。我现在玩到了town kersis,和侏儒圣堂,大概是这么拼的,镇上将发生大屠杀,不知道如何制止,也不知道如何继续游戏,我现在陷入了僵局,有谁可以帮帮我啊

我没有玩过这个游戏!网上介绍的也不多只找到了一个秘籍: 你看看有用么!这些都是网上的。。。。

  Dink Smallwood

  Press esc then type "the power" then you go to your burnt house and pick up a poition in the coner that will give you everything
  At south of Windemere town, looking for some pebbles in two line. Go through that you will go to another island where you can buy flame bow and get different poison and some gold.
  How to find hidden Dungeon code 0001
  Well you must at least be 18th level and be at the edge of the world. Well you must go to the far left corner where the rock monster is and below him are some trees and use either hell fire or fire ball i prefer hell fire. Well you try to make your way throw and move upwards until you see a staircase and go throw and and you`ll find a castle that looks like King David's except there's snow around you ,and enter and you will find the third Dungeon ,and you'll see the little magician and he`ll say something to you and you can keep going back for loads of experience and gold, but i like the ancient Dungeon where you use the time machine thing, and well i have other codes i can tell you but there basically glitches

  下载地址: ftp://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/Mirrors/ftp.gamesdomain.co.uk/pub/shareware/dinksmallwood106.exe

  Dink Smallwood是一个贫穷养猪人家的小孩,虽然被取笑为养猪农(Pig Farmer) ,但心裏对冒险的欲望却日渐强烈,直到有一天... 这个游戏是由Rtsoft公司所发行,游戏的背景设定於中古时代,游戏中画面相当细 腻,相信Rtsoft在美术地方下了不少苦心。而这款游戏是属於动作RPG的游戏介面 ,作战的时候真令人感到阵阵刺激迎面而来。这款游戏比较特殊的地方是在正式版中,有提供游戏编辑器,可以设定自己的剧本 ,玩家们可以自己尝试看看。


  你英语好么看这里吧! http://www.rtsoft.com/dink/pages/support.htm