
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/04 21:39:43
A different therapeutic strategy targeting VEGF and its receptors could be based on active immunotherapy: a “cancer vaccine” approach. Recent experiments with mouse tumor models suggest that immunization with VEGF and VEGF receptors can indeed lead to anti-tumor effects. It is noteworthy however that these efforts have not centered on a combined anti-ligand/anti-receptor approach, nor in the quest for eliciting a simultaneous response based on neutralizing antibodies and CTLs, as the CIGB proposes now (see below). In the specific case of VEGF peptides or whole molecule, authors have directed immunization to specifically produce (in an “Avastin-like” strategy) a strong anti-VEGF neutralizing antibody response, or have found that experimental anti-tumor effects mainly rely on the production of a CD4+ dependent humoral response, after naked DNA vaccination with xenogeneic VEGF. In the case of the VEGF receptor, the studies of other groups using all or some of the extracellular domains of mVEGFR-2 in transfected dendritic cells, as a DNA vaccine delivered by attenuated Salmonella typhimurium or as a naked DNA vaccine have evidenced that it is possible to break peripheral T-cell tolerance against the murine molecule. In fact, CTLs and not antibodies have been the main anti-tumor effecter mechanism in these other cases.

对准 VEGF 的一个不同的治疗策略和它的受容器可能以活跃的 immunotherapy 为基础: " 癌疫苗" 方式. 和老鼠肿瘤模型的最近实验和 VEGF 的免疫和 VEGF 受容器能的确导致反肿瘤效果. 它是值得注目的,然而那一个这些努力没有在组合的反传说/反受容器方式上集中,也不在探索中为引出中和抗体和关口的基于一个同时的回应,如同 CIGB 现在计画一样 (在下面). 在特性 VEGF 缩氨酸或整个的分子情形中,作家已经指示免疫明确地生产 (在 "像避免一样的" 策略方面) 强壮的反 VEGF 中和抗体回应,或已经发现实验的反肿瘤效果主要地仰赖 CD4 的制造+受扶养者体液的回应,在赤裸的 DNA 接种疫苗之后以 xenogeny VEGF. 在 VEGF 受容器的情况,其他的团体研究使用横切了的 mVEGFR-2 的额外之物细胞的领域全部或一些模树石的细胞,如一种被变?纳趁攀暇? typhimurium 递送或如一种赤裸的 DNA 疫苗已经证据的 DNA 疫苗它打破对抗鼠科的分子周边的 T- 细胞宽容是可能的. 事实上, Cols 而且不抗体已经是主要的反肿瘤招致这些其他的情形机制.