
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/08 19:39:30
The hypothesis put forward by the CIGB, is that individuals could be specifically immunized against VEGF and VEGF receptor in a way that antibodies and specific cytotoxic T-cells (CTL) could be produced. These would be effective in: (a) neutralizing the biological activity of the VEGF overproduced by tumor cells, (b) directly killing tumor cells and the VEGF producing stromal cells by antibody and cell-mediated mechanisms, and (c) blocking VEGF receptors and promoting killing among activated tumor-associated endothelial cells.
With respect to the use of Avastin-like antibody-mediated passive immunotherapy, the active immunization approach could reduce the cost of treatment, make easier the combination of different target molecules in one single preparation, and avoid the need for continuous infusion of antibodies. Combination of active and passive immunotherapy could also provide advantages for patients that develop undesirable side effects, resistance, or tolerance.

被 CIGB 提出的假设,是个体可能明确地在一定程度上被使免疫对抗 VEGF 和 VEGF 受容器抗体和特性 catatonic T- 细胞 (CTL) 可能被生产. 这些会是有效的在:(一)中和 VEGF 的生物学的活动被肿瘤细胞过度地生产,直接地杀害肿瘤细胞和被抗体和细胞斡旋的机制 ,和 (c) 阻断 VEGF 受容器产生细孔细胞的 VEGF 而且促进在刺激的肿瘤- 联合的 endothelial 细胞之中的谋杀.
有关于像避免一样的抗体斡旋的消极 immunotherapy 的使用,活跃的免疫方式可以减少治疗的费用,作单一准备的比较容易的不同目标分子的组合,而且避免对抗体的连续注入的需要. 活跃的和消极的 immunotherapy 的组合也可以为发展不受欢迎的副作用,抵抗或宽容的病人提供利益.