
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/08 18:12:54
1.ECPA warns of product loss
The European Crop Protection Association (ECPA)has repeated warnings that proposals to change EU data protection rules will make over half of the minor products on the market commercially unviable. the cost of supporting existing active ingredients through the review under the EU agrochemical registration Directive(91/414) is already leading to an “enforced cull” of less profitable products. the ECPA says. Proposals to cut data protection periods will accelerate these product losses. it adds. The European Commission is proposing to reduce the current ten-year period of protection to five years and impose an obligation for applicants to share data. Compensation for data sharing would only be payable on successful inclusion of the ai on Annex I of Directive 91/414.The ECPA has been lobbying the Commission to rethink this approach on the basis that it will reduce the ability of companies to gain a return on the cost of generating registration data (Agrow No 447.P10).A recent update of a study by UK consultancy Phillips McDougall for the ECPA indicates that fruit and vegetable products are most vulnerable.

1.ecpa警示产品损失 欧洲作物保护协会(ECPA)的一再警告,建议修改欧盟资料保护规则将使一半以上的产品在市场上的小型商业制作. 支持现有的成本有效成分通过审查欧盟在农业化学品登记指令(四百一十四分之九十一)已经导致了"执行拣出"低利润的产品. ECPA的说. 建议降低数据保护期将加速这些产品的损失. 它说. 欧盟委员会建议将目前10年的保护期为五年,并实行责任分担申请资料. 补偿数据共享才会支付成功将AI<关于附件一指令91/414.theECPA一直游说委员会重新考虑这一做法的基础上,它将削弱公司取得回报的成本创造登记资料(Agrow447.p10无). 最近英国最新的一项研究顾问菲利浦为ECPA麦克杜格尔表示果蔬产品是最容易受到伤害.