
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/06 20:44:01
此类游戏一般都有一定的故事情节,游戏中玩家彼此之间需要进行交流与协作,互相配合,在完成任务时可以得到物品、装备等.从表面上看,此类游戏的内容简单,模式单一,只是一味地打怪升级、升级打怪地无限循环,其中夹带着相互交易、成立帮会抢地盘以及玩家与玩家之间互相砍杀等情节,游戏模式单调乏味;然而从本质上来分析,游戏模拟了一个虚拟的人间社会, 玩家之间产生的互动使得人生百态在游戏里得到了淋漓尽致的展现,以至于让有些人无法分清什么是游戏什么是现实了,其代表作品就是《传奇》

These kind of games typically have a storyline, and gamers have to make contact, coorperate and coordinate where upon completion of mission, they can obtain goods, accessories etc. On the surface, such games have simple contents and a common model; gamers are stuck in a vicious cycle where they eangage in combat with monsters to gain levels, or gain levels to combat more monsters. In between the comabts and level gains, gamers participate in negotiations, form groups to snatch their own territory or engage in combats between themselves etc. Seems boring but analysing it on a deeper level, such games are a reflection of a society where the interaction between gamers completely bring out the faces of humanity, thus blurring the lines between the game and reality. The representative of one such game is the "Legend"