
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/06 11:20:26
Is Business Bluffing Ethical?
A respected businessman with whom I discussed the theme of this article remarked with some heat, “You mean to say you’re going to encourage men to bluff? Why, bluffing if nothing ore than a form of lying! You’re advising them to lie! ”
I agreed that the basis of private morality is respect for truth and that the closer a businessman comes to the truth, the more be deserves respect. At the same time , I suggested that most bluffing in business might be regarded simply as game strategy much like bluffing in poker, which does not reflect on the morality of the bluffer.
I quoted Herry Taylor, the British statesman who pointed out that “falsehood cease to be falsehood when it is understood on all sides that the truth is not expected to be spoken” —an exact description of bluffing in poker, diplomacy, and business. I cited the analogy of the criminal court, where the criminal is not expected to tell the truth when he pleads “not guilty.” Everyone from the judge down takes it for granted that the job of the defendant’s attorney is to get his client off not to reveal the truth; and this is considered ethical practice. I mentioned Representative Omar Burleson. The Democrat form Texas, who was quoted as saying, in regard to the ethics of Congress, “Ethics is barrel of worms”—a pungent summing up of the problem of deciding who is ethical in politics.
I reminded my friend that millions of businessmen feel constrained every day to say yes to their bosses when they secretly believe no and that this is generally accepted as permissible strategy when the alternative might be the loss of a job. The essential point, I said, is that the ethics of business are game ethics, different from the ethics of religion.

靠吓是商业道德? 尊敬的生意人,我说讨论的主题有本条热",你的意思是说要鼓励男子昨试? 为什么不是靠吓,如果没有一种矿石说谎! 毕竟向他们说谎! " 我认为,私德的基础是尊重事实,更是一个商人的真相,更是值得尊敬. 同时,我认为最可靠吓业务单纯视为战略游戏一样,靠吓见不到任何愠色,这不是道德的反思别. 泰勒引述Herry,英国政治家,他们指出,"谎言不再是谎言,了解各方面的事实也不会讲"的准确描述见不到任何愠色,靠吓、外交、商务. 比方说,我的刑事法院,刑事不会说实话,他恳求"无罪" 法官从下理所当然地认为就业被告的律师,他的当事人是要不要揭露真相产; 这是道德实践. 我所说的代表奥马尔Burleson. 德州民主党中,他被引述说,在国会伦理,"道德是每桶生"呛总结了这个问题,他们的决定是在政治道德. 我提醒我的朋友,几百万商家感到每天答应老板时,相信没有秘密,这是公认的,可在其他策略可能会失去工作. 最重要的,我说的是,游戏是商业道德伦理、道德与宗教.