
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/02 18:14:06
A.He has come for 3 hours.

B.The girl has waited since two years.

C.The old man has died for ten years.

D.I have bought the book for two months.



A. “come”来,是瞬间动词。原句的意思是:他不停地来了3个小时。听起来是不是很怪?有两种改法:
瞬间:He came 3 hours ago.他三个小时之前就来了。
持续:He has been here for 3 hours. 他来到这里已经三个小时了。

B. “wait”是延续动词,只能用持续状态。原句是个病句,不能用“since”,改为:
The girl has waited for two years .女孩等了两年了。
The girl has been waiting for two years.女孩等了两年了,她还会等下去。
The girl waited for two years.女孩等了两年了。

瞬间:The old man died ten years ago. 那位老人十年前就死了。
持续:The old man has been dead for ten years. 那位老人死了十年了。

D. “buy”瞬间动词,原句:那本书我买来买去两个月了。改为:
瞬间:I bought the book two months ago.我两个月前买了那本书。
持续:I have had the book for two months.我拥有这本书已经两个月了。


a . he has been here for 3 hours
b. the girl has waited for 2 yeaes
c. the old man has benn dead for 10 years
d. i bought the book 2 months ago?


A) He has been here for 3 hours.

B)The girl has been waiting for two years

C)The old man has been dead for ten years.

D)I bought the book two months ago.