
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/06 01:20:38
1、Still bewildered by the situation myself, I didn't have much to offer in the way of enlightenment. "I'm so sorry, honey," was all I could manage to say.
2、Prior to Holly's birthday, Susan had been a regular visitor in our home. On several occasions, she rode the bus home with Holly and was one of the few friends ever permitted to stay over on a school night. The girls did their homework together and went to bed at a reasonable hour.

自己人工翻译的, 请楼主过目.
1 因为我自己也对情况不了解,所以我没有提供出很多引导启示性的方法.
亲爱的,我很抱歉. 这就是我所能成功表达的.

2 在Holly的生日之前,苏姗经常来我家.
在一些场合,她和Holly一起乘车回家,并且是为数不多的朋友中被允许住校的人.女孩子们一起做作业,然后在合理的时间 一起睡觉休息.

1迷惑了由情况, 我没有提供用启示方式。"我是很抱歉, 蜂蜜," 所有我能设法说。
2 对冬青属的生日, 苏珊是一个普通访客在我们的家。在几个场合, 她乘坐了公共汽车家与冬青属和是少数个朋友的当中一个曾经被允许停留在学校夜。女孩一起做了他们的家庭作业和上床了在一个合理的小时。