
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/07 09:18:00

Registered Accountants ethics is a social ethic in the field of independent audits concrete, is a registered accountant in the course of their practice for correctly handling the relations should comply with the various professional norms and related acts of awareness and activities call the shopping strip. Career in the public service nature of the decision registered accountants independent audit of ethics in the theory and practice of the important position. Registered Accountants professional ethics is a certified public accountant in the course of their career services to be followed by the code of conduct, is a certified public accountant career on moral, professional discipline, capacity and professional responsibility and practice, and behaviour of the basic requirements of the Registered Accountants professional and ethical standards and professional ethics or the complete extent of a country's development level registered professional accountants. Alarmed vocational sector several cases show : My registered accountants ethical awareness is still in the stage of the indulgence. Although registered accountants ethics theoretical research has attracted the attention of our professional community concerned, it is still in its initial stages. Therefore registered accountants to conduct research ethics, a scientific, reasonable, practical vocational ethics system, and enhancing the registered accountants professional ethics, registered accountants raise ethical standards for accountants improve our registration system promote the development of the cause of Registered Accountants profound practical significance and far-reaching historical and strategic significance. All registered accountants to adopt ethics and norms of basic theories on the basis of the analysis, in light of China's actual conditions for the establishment and implementation of the code of ethics for professional accountants our registration system made a series of discussions and research, with a view to our registered accountants ethical theory and practical operation of research benefit. Keyword : Registered Accountants; Ethics; Norms; Response