英文歌john dow:计算机专业英语

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/04 18:27:50
Now we have table with stuff in them .the next is getting stuff back out.
The SELECT tells the DBMS that you want to get some data out of the database . Using a SELECT statement obviously begin with the select .Next you will need to specify what column(s) of data you will be retrieving .For example ,we want to get someone’s E-mail address and first name. You would let the DBMS know what you are looking for by starting your SELECT statement like this: SELECT first_name, E-mail
This tells the DBMS that we are getting information only from the “first_name”, and “E-mail” columns of our table.
Then the FROM clause tell the DBMS what table to look in. Using our table we created in previous lessons, the FROM statement should look like this:
SELECT first_name, email FROM contacts
A WHERE clause allows you to filter out any unwanted data so that the data you do get is exactly what you are looking for. Let’s look for all of he people named “Paul” in our table.
SELECT first_name, email
FROM contacts
WHERE first_name = 'Paul';
Using the WHERE clause tells the DBMS you are only interested data that has “Paul ”in the “first_name” column .In our case we will get only one result because there is only one person in our “contacts” table with the name of “Paul”.
If search for the person that has the “contact_ID” of 3 your SELECT statement would like this:
SELECT first_name, email
FROM contacts
WHERE contact_ID = 3;
Notice there no single quotes around the number 3 this time . that’s because we are filter by a column that is numeric, not text.
1、 What does this article talk about?
A、get date B、insert data C、drop table D、update data
2、 Which keyword can tell the DBMS what table to look in.?
3、 According to this article,Is this sentence “WHERE contact_ID =’4’ ” right? Why?
4、What’s the function of “WHERE”?
5、If I want get the information only from the “first_name”, and “E-mail” columns of our “student” table, and the people named “sam”. What’s the select statement ? Write the answer down.