
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/06 22:20:14
Tang Dynasty
Tang Dynasty (唐朝 618-907) followed Sui Dynasty and preceded the Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms Period in China. The dynasty was interrupted by the Second Zhou Dynasty (690 AD - 705 AD) when Empress Wu Zetian seized the throne.
The Tang dynasty, with its capital at Chang'an, the most populous city in the world at the time, is regarded by historians as a high point in Chinese civilization-- equal, or even superior, to the Han period. Its territory, acquired through the military exploits of its early rulers, was greater than that of the Han. Stimulated by contact with India and the Middle East, the empire saw a flowering of creativity in many fields. Buddhism, originating in India around the time of Confucius, flourished during the Tang period and was adopted by the imperial family, becoming thoroughly sinicized and a permanent part of Chinese traditional culture. Block printing was invented, making the written word available to vastly greater audiences. The Tang period was the golden age of literature and art. A government system supported by a large class of Confucian literati selected through civil service examinations was perfected under Tang rule. This competitive procedure was designed to draw the best talents into government. But perhaps an even greater consideration for the Tang rulers, aware that imperial dependence on powerful aristocratic families and warlords would have destabilizing consequences, was to create a body of career officials having no autonomous territorial or functional power base. As it turned out, these scholar-officials acquired status in their local communities, family ties, and shared values that connected them to the imperial court. From Tang times until the closing days of the Qing empire in 1911, scholar officials functioned often as intermediaries between the grassroots level and the government.
By the middle of the 8th century A.D., Tang power had ebbed. Domestic economic instability and military defeat in 751 by Arabs at Talas, in Central Asia, marked the beginning of five centuries of steady military decline for the Tang empire. Misrule, court intrigues, economic exploitation, and popular rebellions weakened the empire, making it possible for northern invaders to terminate the dynasty in 907. The next half-century saw the fragmentation of China into five northern dynasties and ten southern kingdoms.

唐朝首都设在长安,是当时人口最多的城市,在世界上被历史学家称为中国文明的一个亮点,在军事上,经过早期的征伐,领土面积超过以前的任何朝代.凭着与印度和中东的接触,使唐朝在许多领域都有较大得发展.孔子思想和印度佛教被帝王采纳,彻底的成为了中国传统文化的一部分.木版印刷被发明,使更多得民众能够读书.唐朝是文学和艺术的黄金时代,科举制度得到完善.并为当时朝廷输送了大量人才,巩固了唐朝君主的统治地位, (后面这一段翻译不出来好像讲得是朝廷腐败,出现起义者,造成王朝被推翻)

唐朝代 (唐朝 618-907) 在中国跟随了 Sui 朝代而且在五个朝代和这十个王国时期之前了。 朝代被第二个周朝打断了 (西元 690 年 - 705 西元) 当皇后 Wu Zetian 抓住了王座的时候。
唐朝代, 藉由在 Chang'an 的它的首都, 世界上最多人口的城市在那时,被作为中国文明的一个要点的历史学家视为--等于, 或使长者相等,对汉时期。 它的领土,获得过 milita了