中国最好的财经app:求李商隐 的这几首诗的##白话翻译#,急用!急用!!!!

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/09/18 16:46:06
9 「异俗二首(时从事岭南)」李商隐
114 「月」李商隐
193 「清河」李商隐
406 「访秋」李商隐
419 「离席」李商隐
523 「柳枝五首」李商隐
要 白话翻译 谢谢大家!急用!!

9 " Different customs two heads( the hour is engaged in the 岭 south)" LI3 SHANG YIN3
The ghost 疟 avoids toward the dynasty, the spring is cold to add night after night.Don't the surprised thunder break the pillar, don't report the water together 檐 .
The tiger arrows invades the skin poison, the fishing hook stabs the bone 铦 .The bird speech becomes the 谍 to tell, hating the 彤幨 mostly.
The door hangs QIN2 WANG3 to the utmost, many matters of house are more the sorcery.Have never permitted the fiesta of 獭 , is just pigs of 纵 all.
Order to search to beg the tiger sign of 缚 towards connecting the bait of 鳌 ,.The 贾 living and the matter ghost, don't believe the stove of 洪 .
114 LI3 SHANG YIN3 of" month"
Chih-Shang and the bridge side, difficult forget to reply the wretchedness.The 帘 opens the most clear night, an already cool day.
Flow a water HUA JI2, vomit the hour cloud the leaf is fresh.The 姮娥 has no well-dressed ladies, just showing off lovely.
193 " Pure river" LI3 SHANG YIN3
The boat is small to return to still count, the building 危 with as well 频 .The 燕 come from and agency, the 蝶 dance invades the morning too.
Snow of 绛 in addition to vexed empress, frost plum takes the flavor new.The time none matter, just from harm spring.
406 " Visit the autumn" LI3 SHANG YIN3
The wine is thin to blow to still come to, the building 危 hope already poor.River 皋 is the setting sun, the seat of 帆 sees return the breeze.
The smoke takes the white of the dragon pond, the 霞 cent bird way is red.Attentive idea of autumn of report, just have the maple of 丹 .
419 " Leave the seat" LI3 SHANG YIN3
The gold a 掩 of a 宿 , new from the male jade debt.Clinging shine on toward馀 , separate the dust of 芳 far and far.
The thin grass turns over the surprised wild goose, HUA BAN4 ZUI4's person of 残 .YANG2 ZHU need not advise, just even be stained with the towel.
523 " Of 柳 five heads" LI3 SHANG YIN3
Greenhouse and the 蜜脾 , 蜂 male 蛱蝶雌 .At the same time different type, that replies to even long for.
Should be the lilac tree, a knot of spring starts to living.The jade makes to play the chess bureau, the center is as well the gravamen.
The melon of 嘉 leads the 蔓 long, cold syrup of the jasper ice.The east 陵 although many colors, cant not bear to be worth the tooth joss-stick.
On a well of 柳蟠 , stem in the lotus leaf's river bank.Scale of 锦 with embroider the feather, the land-and-water contain wounded and disabled.
The painting holds to embroider to tread the 障 , everything from become the double.How the lake ascends to hope, just seeing the mandarin duck.
The vernacular translation thank everyone!Urgent use!!
