闪电侠第四季 thunder:请各位英文高手帮我翻译以下的美国式成语?..最好还举些例句...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/14 17:55:51
the big time

to call it a day

for the time being

high time

in no time

in the nick of time

to kill time

to make time

killing time

on the spur of the moment

to take one's time

the time is right

to break the ice

a breeze

come rain or shine

a fair-weather friend

full of hot air

to have one's head in the clouds

one's head be in the clouds

to rain cats and dogs

to save something for a rainy day

snowed under

under the weather

to weather the storm

to bring down the house

down the drain

to drive someone up the wall

to get one' foot in the door

to hit home

to hit the ceiling

on the fence

on the house

on the shelf

to take steps

under the table

big time
The most prestigious level of attainment in a competitive field:
made it to the big time with his latest film.

call it a day
暂时停止;结束一天 的工作
上完课后,教授说let's call it a day就是今天到此为止的意思

for the time being

high time
Long overdue:
It's high time that you started working.
It is high time they arrived.

in no time
Almost instantly; immediately.

in the nick of time
Just at the critical moment; just in time.

kill time

make time
To move or travel fast, as in an attempt to compensate for lost time.
Slang To make progress toward attracting:
【俚语】 更加有吸引力:
He tried to make time with the new neighbor.

on the spur of the moment
一时冲 动;意气用事

take one's time
take your time就是慢慢来 不用着急的意思

break the ice
To make a start.
To relax a tense or unduly formal atmosphere or social situation.

累了 ……

the big time 第一流的

to call it a day 到此为止

for the time being 暂时

high time 正是时候

in no time 立刻

in the nick of time 恰好

to kill time 消磨时间

to make time 进行,抽空

killing time 消磨时间

on the spur of the moment 一时冲动地,立刻

to take one's time 从容不迫

the time is right

to break the ice 打破沉默

a breeze 一阵微风

come rain or shine 无论如何

a fair-weather friend 同甘苦共患难的朋友

full of hot air 吹牛

to have one's head in the clouds 心不在焉

one's head be in the clouds 心不在焉

to rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

to save something for a rainy day 以不防时之需

snowed under 把.....埋在雪里

to bring down the house 博得满堂喝彩

to hit home 深深打入

to hit the ceiling 暴跳如雷

on the fence 抱观望态度

on the house 免费的

on the shelf 高高在上

to take steps 采取措施

under the table酒醉