
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/02 19:26:58
The classic mistake of the stock and bond investor moving into real estate involves underestimating the importance of management. Some investors have
the feeling that real estate manages itself.
There is a story about the importance of property management. A San Francisco real estate broker recently noticed a project that was on the market for $1 million. He knew how the property had been managed in the past and that the million dollar valuation was based on a capitalization of historic income figure. He borrowed money to buy the property, renegotiated certain leases, and established more efficient operating procedures. In six months he sold the property for $1.4 million based on the capitalized value of the new, higher net income. His contribution was management expertise.

当股票及证卷投资者转移到房地产投资领域时常见的错误包括过低的估计了管理的重要性.一些投资者可能会感觉到房地产项目在自己管理自己. 这里就有一个关于资产管理重要性的故事.一个旧金山的房地产经济人在最近关注到了一个在市场上价值1百万的项目.他知道这个房子过去的管理史,而且这个一百万的价钱也是根据历史收入数据的价值来评估的.
He borrowed money to buy the property, renegotiated certain leases, and established more efficient operating procedures. In six months he sold the property for $1.4 million based on the capitalized value of the new, higher net income. His contribution was management expertise.

传统的股票和债券投资失误走向低估涉及房地产管理的重要性. 一些投资者 觉得自己经营房地产. 有一个故事:物业管理的重要性. 旧金山的房地产经纪项目日前发现,市面上的$100万. 他知道如何处理财产已经过去,价值2000万美元的资金是根据历史收入数字. 他借来的钱购买物业,一些重新谈判契约,建立更有效的操作程序. 他的财产在半年内出售140万$资产价值为基础的新的、更高的净收入. 他的管理经验贡献.

股票和证券投资者的经典差错搬走入房地产介入低估管理的重要性。一些投资者有房地产处理本身的感觉。有关于物产管理的重要性的一个故事。旧金山不动产经纪人最近注意了是在市场上为$1 百万的项目。他知道怎么物产从前被处理了并且百万个美元估价根据历史的收入形象的资本化。他借用金钱买物产, 重新协商了某些租约, 和建立了更加高效率的操作步骤。在六个月他卖了物产为$1.4 百万根据新, 更高的净收入的大写的价值。他的贡献是管理专门技术