
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/04 01:39:49
気づけば懐かしい 川原に来てみたり
昨日みた梦の続き 想像してたり
あの日少年の君が 大人びてみえて
さよならも言えず 伞に隠れた
すれ违い もしも... なんてことを
时に 忘れ咲き
爱だとか恋だなんて 変わりゆくものじゃなく
ただ君を好き そんな风にずっとね 思ってるような
あてのない 想い抱え ただ人は振り返るもの
巡り合えた 景色をそっと 消えめように とどめてゆく
夕暮れの空とか 风に揺れる木々に
见とれる振りをしながら 几度过ごした
なるべく伤つけぬよう 伤つかぬように
切なさも ほらね 押し杀せる
爱だと名づければ それが爱だと言える
何かを求めるとか 形あるものじゃなく
ただ好きでいるそんな风に 言えたら良いなって思う
孤独や弱気だとか押し寄せる夜 忘れ咲き
人恋しさ拭えぬ夜 强さなど持てるでしょうか?
爱だとか恋だなんて 変わりゆくものじゃなく
ただ好きでいる そんな风にずっとね 思っていれたら
孤独や踌躇い弱気が 押し寄せる夜に 忘れ咲いた
思い出そっと消えゆくまで 今宵は身を任せて


那一天 还是少年时代的你 显得那么成熟
连一句道别的话也没能说出口 我就把自己隐藏在了伞的阴影下
如此擦肩而过 “如果当时……”现在想这些也无济于事
只是有时候 不合时宜地盛开

爱慕 恋情 这些都不应随着时间流逝而改变
就好像我现在这样 只是一心一意喜欢你
怀抱着 这种没有结果的情感 人们却还一次次地回首
为了 不让我们相遇时的风景消失不见 我会将它轻轻地深藏在心中

夕阳映照下的天空 摇曳在风中的树丛
曾经好几次在你身边 却装成被这些景色吸引住的样子

尽量不去伤害他人 也保护自己不受伤害
就连那么痛苦的时候 也能抑制住感情
如果“爱情”是如此被命名 那么也许这亦可以被称之为爱

我们所寻求的 不是那种具象的东西
而只是一心一意喜欢着你 不会改变
夜晚 被孤独和脆弱侵袭的时候 这种感情还是会不合时宜地盛开
而我 也能够从中学会 思念一个人的勇气

爱慕 恋情 这些都不应随着时间流逝而改变
就好像我现在这样 只是一心一意喜欢你 希望这种心情永不改变
夜晚 被孤独、踌躇和脆弱侵袭的时候 这种感情曾经不合时宜地盛开过
今夜 我仍任情感倾泻
直到 回忆轻轻地 枯萎的那一天

1 If you become aware, the bosom oak it is and tries coming to Kawahara.
2 Yesterday the continuation of the 梦 which was seen it is to imagine the り.
3 You of that day boy are visible and try the adult び て
4 Good bye not saying? It hides and tries.
5 The れ which it does? It is, タ.. how thing.
6 ? You forget and bloom.
7 ? When is the love shelf it is to see, those which change and keep average.
8 Simply you the favorite such? You see directly and think and the る way you see
9 Average of applying you think and hold and those which the person looks back simply
10 The round be agreeable to see, quietly it will go out and will be able to smile it leaves view
11 Sky of the evening seeing? In the trees which shake
12 ? To do the inclination which comes off the degree of タ几? It did.
13 If possible? Way you do not attach? In order not to be attached, you see.
14 It is distressing, the ほ and others you see, pushing? せ る.
15 ? When is, if you name, that? You can say. that is,
16 When what is sought those which is shape average
17 Such simply we like? When you can say, becoming good, you think
18 When it is lonely and weak the night when it surges you forget and bloom
19 The night when the person you love and you cannot wipe? And so on it can have probably will be or, N
20 ? When is the love shelf it is to see, those which change and keep average.
21 Simply, we like, タsuch? タwhere you saw directly and thought and inserted.
22 Loneliness and? 躇 It is and weakness sees and the night when it surges it forgets to see 咲 is
23 Until memory it goes out quietly and keeps tonight leaving the body.