
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/06 13:51:17
3。元旦这一天里,中国小朋友交换礼物吗?(exchange gifts)
4。上海是个迷人的大都会,在那里常举行重要的时装表演。(fashion show)
5。我们经常在周末拜访我们的英籍老师,这样我们就可以学到更多关于英式礼仪的东西。(so that)
6。他正在阅读的那本书是鲁迅写的。(the relative clause)
8。尽管他遭遇到一个又一个问题,但他没有丧失信心。(lose heart)
9。看到这张照片时不禁想起了我在学校的那些日子。(can`t help but)

1. I've never been to the place where my father was brought up.
2. Washing hands frequently is one of the most efficient methods to avoid being infected with diseases.
3. Do the Chinese children exchange gifts on the New Year's Day?
4. Shanghai is a charming metropolis where there is always fashion shows of much importance being held.
5. We always call on our English teacher on weekends, so that we can learn more about protocol in English style.
6. The book he is reading was written by Luxun
7. Your statement in the conference do hurts him.
8. Although he was caught in troubles one after another, he didn't lose his heart.
9. Looking at this photo can't help but reminding me of those days I was at school.
10. What to his great surprise is that his colleagues are interested in his privacy.

1.I haven't been to the place where my father was brought up.
2.Washing your hands constantly is one of the effective way to avoid the infection of the disease.
3.Will Chinese children exchange gifts on New Year's Day?
4.Shanghai is a charming metropolis, which often has important fashion show.
5.We often call on our teacher from Britain so that we can learn more about the English ceremony.
6.The book he is reading was written by Luxun.
7.what you said yesterday at the meeting really hurt him.
8.Although he encourtered problems one after another,yet he never lost heart.
9.I can't help missing my days in school on seeing this picture.
10.To his surprise, his colleage is interested in his personal matters.