
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/09/18 18:42:47
1.Sorry, he is not in.Would you like to leave a m______.
2.Who is going to o_____ the party?
3.Come on,Relax.Don't be so n____.
4.I have d_____ news for you .You failed your English exam.
5.I'm sorry I'm late,because the t____ is bad.

1.( )The river smells terrible.We must____ dirty thing into it.
A.stop people from throwing B.stopped people from throwing.
C.stop people to thow D.stopped people to throw.
2.( )I like playing with water when I was young and _______.
A.so he was B.so was he C.so did he D.so he did
3.( )I like swimming very much, but now I___swim as ____as I
used to.
A.don't,often B.not,often
C.don't,oftener D.not,oftener

一、1.message 2.organize 3.nervous 4.disappointing 5.traffic
二、1.A 2.C 3.A

一、1.message 2.organize 3.nervous 4.disappointing 5.traffic
二、1.A 2.C 3.A

一1message 2organized 3nervous 4 disliking 5traffic
二 A CA