
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/04 18:42:50
1.对于该穿什么,怎么穿,她总是精心选择.2.奶制品含有丰富的蛋白质和钙,所以对小孩很有好处.3.他正在节食,以便减肥.4.在吃水果前,一定要削皮.(make sure,peel)5.smith先生非但没把这只野猫(wild cat)杀了吃,反而把它当宠物养了起来(instead)6.通过交谈,他们最终言归于好.(make peace,by)7.这种手机充电需要大量时间(charge,a great deal of)8.激进主义者认为在动物身上做实验很残忍.(cruel,test on)9.难道你不认为做这样的实验是浪费钱和时间吗?(a waste of)10.他很可能会在比赛中获胜.(there is a very high chance that)

1.For the wear what they wear,she always carefully chosen.
2.Dairy products are rich in protein and calcium,it is very beneficial for children.
3.He is diet to lose weight.
4.Eating fruits, must skin.
5.Smith not only to eat only wildcat killed,but to raise it up when pets.
6.Through conversation,they eventually start with a clean slate.
7.This needs a lot of time charging mobile phones.
8.Radicalism of that very cruel experiments on animals do.
9.Can you do not think this is a waste of money and time experiment?
10.He is likely to win in the competition.

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