iphone7超清壁纸 高达:求翻译阿(不是很难)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/08 12:09:05

看书,玩电脑都是暑假里必做之事,当然还有一件也少不了,就是每年暑假都会和爸妈去海滩,吹海风,看海浪,享受海边的感觉,一个字,爽!!还有每到暑假,选秀节目也陆陆续续开始阿,超女,MY SHOW都陪伴我度过暑假!



I like summer holiday and enjoy it very much all the time.
Reading, playing computer is the things which I always do in summer holidays.I also love to go to the beach with my parents.Standing in the agreeable wind from the sea and watching the seascape give me the cool feeling.
Every summer holiday, drafting the program begins successively too. The Supper Girl,MY SHOW all accompanies me to summer holiday!
The most excited one is that knew a lot of new classmates on this summer holiday (because of entering the high school), expire soon summer holiday, I will believe the day of future is sure to live more excellently.
