
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/04 04:20:42
Melanocortins are peptides (such as -MSH) that are cleaved from the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) precursor molecule and that exert their effects by binding to members of a family of melanocortin receptors49. A role for melanocortin signalling in the control of energy homeostasis first emerged after the cloning of the MC3- and MC4-receptor genes and the demonstration that they are expressed primarily in the brain54. This discovery was followed by evidence that a synthetic agonist of these receptors suppresses food intake, whereas a synthetic antagonist has the opposite effect55. The report that mice lacking the MC4 receptor (owing to gene targeting) are hyperphagic and very obese56 indicates that tonic signalling by MC4 receptors limits food intake and body fat mass. Mice heterozygous for the deleted MC4 allele also become obese, although less so than homozygous knockouts56. Lack of a full complement of central MC4 receptors, therefore, predisposes to hyperphagia and pathologicalweightgain.This finding has since been extended to humans with MC4-receptor mutations4,5.
Further evidence for the importance of melanocortin signalling came from studies of agouti (Ay/a) mice, an autosomal dominant model of genetic obesity characterized by a yellow coat colour and an obese phenotype. Cloning of the agouti gene57 identified a protein (‘agouti’) that functions as an antagonist of cutaneous MC1 receptors and normally is expressed by hair follicles. By reducing MC1 signalling, increased cutaneous agouti lightens the coat colour. Agouti mice, however, express agouti in tissues throughout the body and consequently develop both a yellow coat colour and obesity(owingtoectopicagoutiproductionwithinthebrain,whereitantagonizes MC4 receptors)49 (Fig. 2b).

Melanocortins 是藉由绑住一个 melanocortin 受容器 49 的家庭的成员发挥他们的效果的从赞成 opiomelanocortin 的 (POMC) 先驱者分子和那被劈开的缩氨酸 (像是 -MSH) 。 给在能源体内平衡的控制首先作信号的 melanocortin 的一个角色在 MC3 的复制之后出现了- 而且 MC4-受容器的基因和示范他们在脑 54 中被主要地表达. 这一项发现被证据跟随了这些受容器的综合性 agonist 镇压食物摄取,然而一个综合性的敌手有相反的效果 55 。 报告,缺乏 MC4 受容器 (由于对准的基因) 的老鼠是 hyperphagic 和非常肥胖的 56 指出向补药作信号的由 MC4 受容器极限食物摄取和身体脂肪集合。 为划除 MC4 等位基因的老鼠 heterozygous 也变成肥胖, 虽然比较不如此超过 homozygous 击昏 56. 一个中央 MC4 受容器的完整补足物的缺乏,因此,对食欲过剩和 pathologicalweightgain 使易罹患。这一个发现自从与 MC4-受容器的变化 4,5 一起延长到人类以后.
对于向 melanocortin 的重要作信号的的较进一步的证据来自了刺鼠 (赞成票/一) 老鼠的研究, autosomal 有一个黄色的外套颜色和一个肥胖的显型特点的遗传基因肥胖的占优势模型。刺鼠基因 57 的复制识别了作为一个皮肤 MC1 受容器的敌手的蛋白质 ('刺鼠') 而且通常被头发小囊表达。 藉由减少 MC1 作信号,增加的皮肤刺鼠点亮外套颜色。然而,刺鼠老鼠在身体各处在薄的纱织品中表达刺鼠而且结果发展一个黄色的外套颜色和肥胖 (owingtoectopicagoutiproductionwithinthebrain,whereitantagonizes MC4 受容器)49(图 2b) 。
