
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/17 18:56:48

Chinese people attach much importance to self-esteem, and they have always been reasonably tolerant. In fact, we don't like to repeatedly mention that period of history. It is the Japanese attitude of refusal to make apology that arouses wide-spread indignation in China and among other Asian countries. Chinese children are brought up with the idea that China and Japan are friendly neighbors separated by only a strip of water, whereas the Japanese children are raised in total ignorance of the crimes committed by their father generation. What we demand is simply that the truth of history should be restored and history should be respected.
“作为很讲自尊的中国人,实际上我们是不愿意反复提及这段伤心的历史的”,这句话我想了很久。为什么不愿提及?是自尊受到了伤害?再多问两句:为什么收到伤害?是自己太软弱还是人家太无礼残忍? 被人家欺负过这件事可以提,如果不愿意提的话,我认为原因不应该是“很讲自尊”才合适。所以我加了一句:中国人在符合情理的情况下很宽容。我们是因为宽容才不想经常提及过去的事,但是他们不尊重历史....。


China stresses self-esteem as a people, in fact we are unwilling to repeatedly mention this sad history, but Japan has never admit that the attitude of other peoples in Asia and we are very angry. Chinese children suffer from childhood education is : China and Japan are friendly neighbors separated by just a strip of water. The Japanese children did not know their fathers were subjected crimes. We only want to restore the historical truth, this alone

China stresses self-esteem as a people, in fact we are unwilling to repeatedly mention this sad history, but Japan has never admit that the attitude of other peoples in Asia and we are very angry. Chinese children suffer from childhood education is : China and Japan are friendly neighbors separated by just a strip of water. The Japanese children did not know their fathers were subjected crimes. We only want to restore the historical truth, this alone