
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/06 14:40:33
(1)我帮他学习英语,作为回报,他叫我打网球。(in return)
(2)这艘船明天起航,由上海开往伦敦。(set sail)
(3)除了寒冷而稀薄的空气,登山者还要防备因为缺氧而导致的高山病。(apart from)
(4)由于身体不能适应极限条件,有些人只好中途放弃登山计划。(be unable to)
(5)我们常常称那些助人为乐的人为“雷锋”。(refer to)
(6)这个生在大山长在大山的孩子后来成为一位出色的将军。(nring up)

(1)I help him to study English,he calls me to play tennis in return.
(2)This ship will set sail tomorrow , will set sail London from Shanghai. ( )
(3)Apart from the cold and thin air, the hiker should take precautious against the mountain sickness caused because of being with meagre oxygen . ( )
(4)Because the health are unable to meet the limit condition , some people have to give up the mountaineering plan midway . ( )
(5)We often refer those persons taking pleasure in helping people to" Lei Feng ". ( refer to)
( 6) This piece catch in mountain bringing up child in mountain become an outstanding general later. ( )

1. I help him to learn English. In return, he teaches me how to play tennis.
2. The ship will set sail tomorrow from Shanghai to London.
3. Apart from the cold and thin air, mountain climbers still need prevent mountain sickness caused by lack of oxygen.
4. Because some people were unable to be used to the extremely hard situation, they had to give up their climbing plan.
5. We always refer those who like to help others to “Lei Feng”.
6. The child who was born and grown up in the mountain brought up as an excellent general.

脑力劳动啊 :)

(1) I help him learning English, in return, he invites me to play tennis.
(2) The passenger liner, will set sail for London from Shanghai tomorrow.
(3)Apart from chill and tenuous air, the climbers have to take precausions against mountain sickness coursed by the lack of oxygen.
(4)Some climber have to give the plab up when their body are unable to accommodate to the ultimate condition.
(5)We always refer to those,who are willing to help others as Lei Feng.
(6)The boy, born and brought up in big mountain became an outstanding general years later.