超神学院之轮回txt免费:帮我翻译下邮件好吗?大概意思就行 !

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/05 08:52:16
Ave !

I want to start my first letter from a question: "Is it possible to be happy without LOVE?"
I think that you will agree with me if the answer will be "NO WAY". Love is the most beautiful and exciting thing
that may happen between man and woman! It inspires us only for doing positive things towards each other.
One very famous writer said: "The beauty will rescue the world" i agree with his words but still i would add :
" LOVE and Beauty will rescure the world".
I hope you agree with me that Love is a big notion.
There's love to God, to Mother, to a child to the country where you were born, and there's love that joins a man
and woman for all their life. That is the LOVE i'm looking for! And i'm seeking for the man who is also eager to have
this life long adventure full of surprises and new experience we can share together! Will you join me for this trip?
I do realise that it should be very difficult to say "Yes" from the first letter having no idea about me.
That's why i just offer to get to know each other better though correspondence that will help us to reveal many things
about each other whether we mach perfectly or not. In addition you can look at my pictures and read some info about me here
I hope you'll like what you see and read there.

Well closing my first letter to you i just want to thank you for reading it and i really hope that you'll share
my point of view on what i said above. I do really hope that you'll answer me soon.

Best regards

Folvy A.

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car--the driver had made a run for it when he saw what was happening.
"Stop!" he shouted. "Keep right! To the right of the rock!"


我想要开始我的第一个一个问题来的信: "它是可能的没有爱高兴"吗?
我认为如果答案将是"没有方式",你将同意我。 爱是最美丽的和刺激事情
那可能在男人和妇女之间发生! 它只有为向彼此做确定的事情鼓舞我们。
一位非常著名的作家说: "美丽将援救世界"i与他的话相符,但是仍然i 将增加:
有喜欢与上帝,令母亲的是,令你在哪里出生的孩子兑一那些国家的是, 并且有爱参加一个人
以及一生的妇女。 那是i正寻找的爱! 并且i正寻求也渴望有的那个人
这个生命充满我们能一同分享的惊奇和新经历的长时间的冒险! 你将和我一起参加这次旅行吗?
那是i 只提供开始更了解彼此为什么信件那将帮助我们揭示很多事情虽然
是否我们mach 完全大约彼此。 另外你能看我的照片并且在这里关于我读一些信息

好关闭给你的我的第一个信i只想谢谢你读它,i 真的希望你将分享
在i在上面说的上的我的观点。 我确实真的希望你不久将回答我。


Folvy A。


这是为什么? 因为目前一购买者市场有

你现在能为和在低达3.75%的每月709 美元一样少得到325,000 美元!
保持好信用。 但是我们致力于贫穷的信贷帮助情况的你
用坏credt 甚至再提供资金,帮助你降低你每月




小汽车 --那些司机使一适合它运行到那时他看见是发生的的。
"停止"! 他大叫。 "保持正确! 在岩石的右边! "