
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/03 06:10:17

印欧人是世界上最早使用马的民族, 可能在公元前3000年纪就开始用马. "The single biggest factor accounting for these migrations is probably the horse. A good deal of archeological work indicates that in the same period as the hypothesized spread of the Indo-Europeans, there were more and more groups able to ride horses in the same areas. Moreover, work in the Dnieper river valley of Ukraine indicates that the first groups to domesticate the horse lived there." ( In Search of the Indo-Europeans, by J.P. Mallory. London: Thames and Hudson, 1989) . 入侵印度的印欧人- Aryan人就是"horse-using people", 而在此之前的Harappan 文化中没有发现马. 扩张到欧洲的Celts人的钟形杯文化和战斧文化(Bell Beaker and Battle?Axe Culture,约公元前3000年中期-约公元前2000年初)墓葬中已有马骨,表明该文化的创造者已很重视驯养和役使马匹。可能还会使用车轮了.

汤恩比也在<人与大地母亲>中也提到马的驯化使原始印欧人(汤恩比称为"那一批操原始梵语的民族")作为游牧人拥有了对南方农业和商业民族的优势.古埃及人比喜克索斯人打败, 很大原因就是因为后者知道用马(可能是从印欧人那里学来) 而前者不会.中国古代一直受北方游牧人骚扰, 不胜其头疼, 对马在军事上的作用也有深刻的体会.

印欧人是世界上最早使用马的民族, 可能在公元前3000年纪就开始用马. "The single biggest factor accounting for these migrations is probably the horse. A good deal of archeological work indicates that in the same period as the hypothesized spread of the Indo-Europeans, there were more and more groups able to ride horses in the same areas. Moreover, work in the Dnieper river valley of Ukraine indicates that the first groups to domesticate the horse lived there." ( In Search of the Indo-Europeans, by J.P. Mallory. London: Thames and Hudson, 1989) . 入侵印度的印欧人- Aryan人就是"horse-using people", 而在此之前的Harappan 文化中没有发现马. 扩张到欧洲的Celts人的钟形杯文化和战斧文化(Bell Beaker and Battle?Axe Culture,约公元前3000年中期-约公元前2000年初)墓葬中已有马骨,表明该文化的创造者已很重视驯养和役使马匹。可能还会使用车轮了.

汤恩比也在<人与大地母亲>中也提到马的驯化使原始印欧人(汤恩比称为"那一批操原始梵语的民族")作为游牧人拥有了对南方农业和商业民族的优势.古埃及人比喜克索斯人打败, 很大原因就是因为后者知道用马(可能是从印欧人那里学来) 而前者不会.中国古代一直受北方游牧人骚扰, 不胜其头疼, 对马在军事上的作用也有深刻的体会.