玩小姐700做了全套亏吗:能否帮我用英语写一骗关于地震 的应急措施

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/09/18 11:56:47

Nobody can tell when a fire and/or an earthquake may occur. No preparation against such disasters could enlarge damages unnecessarily. In this sense, we need to be prepared against them in normal days.

When an earthquake occurs, do not use in-house
phones and, especially, PHS phones. Doing so would hinder emergency communications causing a delay in necessary emergency measures taken place.

When an Earthquake occurs, calm down and do not try to rush outside of the building.Stay where you are and try to protect yourself against topping and dropping objects. Stop using fires, operating cranes, etc., and working at high places to prevent spreading of secondary disasters.

A person in charge of investigating damages should immediately check the place assigned to him/her to find out and report the extent of damages caused by the earthquake to the relevant person in responsible in accordance to the rules of respective organization. include the number of victims caused by the earthquake.

For other people, check the place around them and report to the person in responsible of the property damages and personnel injuries if any.

Evacuate from the building to the nearest evacuation area, if a fire breaks out or the building is on 20 the verge of collapse. Help visitors and physically handicapped people in evacuation. Follow the instruction of in-house fire fighters when given. An evacuation order and other emergency announcements will be made through the in-house broadcasting system, just
the same manner as the case of a fire broken out.

The injured should be placed at a safe place and given necessary first aid. In the case an ambulance is needed to deliver the seriously injured to the hospital.

Safety inquiries have to be made to all the staff including their family members. Follow the procedures as set out per each organization and inquire the safety of people. This practice should apply to a staff away from office on
business and private trips where an earthquake hits.

A large earthquake would be accompanied by several aftershocks. Be alert against earthquakes for a while.