
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/10/02 18:40:59

1. 限制性英语从句
例如That's the best hotel that I know.
(如果没有后面that I know,就是全世界最好的了,现在把它限制在"I know"这个范围内)
Every one who that knew him liked him.
(同样将“每个人”限制在"knew him"这个范围内)

2. 非限制性定语从句。
例如Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested stopping at the next town.

一般用that引导,有些其他的定语从句可以用as,such as, but等引导。

在复合句中,修饰一个名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导定语从句的词叫关联词。如: 〔关联词〕 常见的关联词有关系代词that,which,who, whom,whose和关系副词where,when,why等。 〔种类〕 1.由that引导的定语从句 一般情况下that可指人或物,可以代替who, whom和which,在从句中作主语或谓语动词的宾语,但不能作介词的宾语。如: The comrade that(who)is speaking at the meeting is an advanced worker.正在会上讲话的那个同志是个先进工人。 Is this the doctor that(whom)you talked about yesterday?这就是你们昨天谈论的那位医生吗? The letter that(which)I received yesterday was from my father.昨天我收到的信是我父亲寄来的。 2.由who,whom和whose引导的定语从句 who在从句中作主语,whom在从句中作宾语, whose在从句中作定语。如: This is the thief who stole my bike.这就是偷我自行车的那个贼。 He is the boy whom you wanted to find.他就是你想要找的那个男孩。 The girl whose mother is a doctor is waiting for you outside.妈妈是个医生的那个女孩在外面等你。 3.由which引导的定语从句 which指物,在从句中作主语或谓语动词的宾语。如: The book which Mum bought me last week is called"Red Star Over China".妈妈上周买给我的那本书名叫《西行漫记》。 The house which Lu Xun once lived in is now the Lu Xun Museum.鲁迅曾经住过的那所房子现在是鲁迅博物馆。 4.由where,when和why引导的定语从句 where在从句中作地点状语,when在从句中作时间状语,why在从句中作原因状语。如: I will never forget the day when I joined the League.我永远忘不了我入团的那一天。 He will go back to the school where he studied next week.下周他要回到他曾经学习过的学校。 I don't know the reason why he quarreled with Zhang Lin.我不知道他同张琳吵架的原因。 〔注意点〕 关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时,关系代词常省去。如:The play(which)I watched just now had been on twice on Channel 3.我刚才看的那个戏剧在3频道上已上演了两次。 定语从句 定于从句的修饰成分是做这个句子的定语. 定于从句主要修饰名次与代词. 主要关系词有;who whom whose which that when where why 在限制性定语匆遽中,如果要修饰物,用关系代词that的时候比较多,也有时用which。 The parcel that came just now was for Xiao Yu. 刚才来的包裹是小于的。 It is a question that needs careful consideration. 这是一个需要仔细考虑的问题。 The train which(that) has just left is for Xi''an. 刚开的那列火车是开往西安的。 当这个代词在从句中是用做宾语的,在绝大多数情况下,关系代词都是省略掉的,特别是在口语中,尤其是当被修饰的词是all,everything等词的时候。 在介词后面,只能用关系代词whick,在口语中,一般都把介词放到从句后面,这个时候可以用that,但省略的情况更多一些。 The tool with which he is working is called a wrench. The tool (that) he is working with is called a wrench. 如果定语从句中,谓语是there is的时候,做主语的关系代词也常常可以省略掉。 what不能引导定语从句。 when是关系副词,指时间,在定语从句中做状语,如: Do you remember the time when he fell off his bicycle? They arrived in the evening at a time when we were all out. where也是关系副词,指地点,在定语从句中也做状语,如: The book is on the table where you left it. 如何掌握好定语从句 关系代词的选择 关系代词的选择,主要是指who和that,that和 which,as和which这三对关系代词的选择。 一、关系代词who和that的选择 关系代词who和that都可以指人,有时使用场合有区别。 (一)关系代词who的使用场合 1.who可以代表人、人格化了的动物、神话故事中的人物或有生命的事物。如: 1)The dog who is barking is our pet. 2)Those who want to go please sign their nam es here. 2.在从句中,作主语倾向于用who。如: 1)The girl who dances beautifully gave us a perform ance that day. 2)Do you know the com rade who spoke just now? 3.当先行词泛指代词he,they或指示代词those等时,常用who。如: 1)He who does no work gets no pay. 2)We are badly in need of those who can work in real earnest. 4.先行词前出现不定冠词时,多用 who。如: 1)I have found a m an who can do this work. 2)He is a m an who should learn from others. 5.在there be句型中,既作主语又表示人时多用who,或省略。如: 1)There is som eone outside the office who wants to see you. 2)There's a m an who lives in that vil- lage. 6.不定代词one,ones,anyone等作先行词时,多用who。如: One who works without complain is welcome here. 7.定语从句和先行词分隔,用that可能引起歧义时,应用who。如: I saw a man in the street who was surrounded by many people. 这个句子如用that,就可能被人认为是定语从句修饰street。 8.在非限制性定语从句中,一般要用 who,不用that。如: The soldiers,who may have felt sorry for the boy,had him stand with his back to his father. 9.有两个定语从句出现在一个句子中,第一个关系代词用that的话,第二个就用 who。如: The man that I like is the one who is both competent and diligent. 但在平行结构中,应根据平行结构的原则重复同一个关系代词。如: I met a Greek who travelled a lot in the world,but who knew very little about his own country. 注意:关系代词前如有介词或在非限制性定语从句中作宾语,关系代词要用 whom。如: 1)In the dark street,there wasn't a single person to whom she could turn for help. 2)The brave man,whom the tiger was shot by,is a good hunter. (二)关系代词that的使用场合 1.在以疑问词who开始的句子中,避免两个who重复,用that。如: Who is the man that is shouting there? 2.关系代词在从句中作表语时,多用 that。如: She is not the girl that she was three years ago. 3.先行词被形容词最高级、only等修饰时,应用that。如: Tang Guoqiang has become one of the best actors that appear on Chinese screens. 4.先行词人和物两者都有时,要用that。如: He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited. 5.关系代词与the same(指同一人)连用时,只能用that。如: This is the same person that I met yesterday. 6.一个句子中有两个定语从句时,如第一个从句中已用who,第二个从句中宜用that。如: The man who is at table is his brother that has been serving in the army. 二、关系代词that和which的选择 关系代词that和which都可以指物,在很多场合两者都通用。但有时that和which的使用场合并不相同。 (一)关系代词which的使用场合 1.如果先行词是that,关系代词应用 which。如: What was that which you said about him ? 2.先行词和定语从句之间被其它较长的成分分隔,用which较好。如: I have some interests outside my professional work which gives me great pleasure. 3.一个句子中如有两个定语从句,第一个定语从句用了关系代词that,第二个从句宜用which。如: This is the book that you bought which you have lost. 但在平行结构中,应重复同一个关系代词。如: I have a house which is located on the hillside,which faces the south. 4.非限制性定语从句中关系代词一般要用which。如: I will buy a book,which tells about the use of English idioms. 5.相当于并列句和状语从句的定语从句,用which引导。如: 1)We went to the nearest port which we reached safely. 2)He persisted in having a bicycle which he actually had no use for. 6.关系代词前如有介词,关系代词要用 which。如: They had a meeting at which he spoke on the current econom ic situation. 如把介词移至句末,可用that(或省略)。如: This is the book(that)she was looking for. (二)关系代词that的使用场合 1.一般说来,先行词是all,anything,everything,nothing,much,little,few等,关系代词应用that。如: 1)That's all(that)I know. 2)Everything that can be done is done. 2.先行词之前有all,any,every,no,lit- tle,m uch,only,very等修饰时,关系代词应用that。如: 1)He'll read all the books that are sold here. 2)Ask any questions(that)you don't understand. 3.先行词前有序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,关系代词应用that。如: 1)This is the most wonderful film that I have ever seen. 2)The first thing that you should do is to work out a plan. 4.当先行词是to be的表语,或关系代词本身是从句的表语时,关系代词应用that。如: 1)It's a song that is very popular. 2)My hometown is no longer the place that it used to be. 5.当主句以There be开头时,关系代词应用that。如: There is a seat in the corner that is still free. 6.当一个句子中含有两个定语从句时,如前一个已用关系代词which,后一个关系代词宜用that。如: I'll borrow a book which tells about the heroic deeds that the PLA did in the battles against the invaders. 但两个定语从句的结构如果平行,一个定语从句中用关系代词that,另一个定语从句也应重复that。如: He told me to read a book that is very short,and that is vey interesting. 7.与the sam e(指同一物)连用,构成thesame...that...结构时,关系代词只能用that。如: This is the same museum that you once visited. 注意:thesame...that...结构中的that不能用as代替,因为thesame...as...与thesame...that...的含义不同。 三、关系代词as和which的选择 关系代词as和which的选择是指它们引导非限制性定语从句的区别。尽管都可以用来引导非限制性定语从句,代表整个主句的意思,但两者在用法上是有区别的。as引导的非限制性定语从句常用来表示说话人关于某事的依据、态度、解释或评论等,含有“正如……”的意思。as从句放在主句的前面、中间或句末都可以。如: She is working hard,as everyone can see.或:As everyone can see,she is working hard. which引导的非限制性定语从句,一般表示某事的状况或结果,只能放在主句的后面。如: She married him ,which was natural.但不能说:Which was natural,she married him.


