
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/08 22:15:44


今天,独立日在美国是一个相当热闹的节日,每逢这一天,全美大大小小的教堂钟声齐鸣,以纪念美国独立。首先敲响的是费城自由钟。各地居民自发地进行庆祝游行,有的扮作骑马的旧时牧师或坐着古式马车的贵族小姐举行化妆游行;有的组成家庭小乐队参加游行,还有的全家祖孙几辈载歌载舞,边舞边行。各种彩车、模型车、杂技车和小孩玩具车同欢乐的人群一起排成浩浩荡荡 的队伍前途,景象十分壮观游行结束,人们往往聚在公园或公共场所共同欢度节日。在一片乐曲声中,人们或翩翩起舞,或席地野餐,商人们忙着叫卖纪念品,政客们乘机进行竞选演说,孩子们则在草地上做各种游戏,全美各地呈现出一派节日的欢乐景象。

The independent date is one USA'S main legal holiday, the date for every year on July 4th, by commemorated on July 4th, 1776 the mainland conference officially passes " the Declaration of Independence " in the Philadelphia." Declaration of Independence " by Thomas? Outstanding Buddha abdicates the draft, on July 4th, 1776 revised after the mainland conference special committee passes, and by mainland conference President John? The Chinese 考克 signature becomes effective. " The Declaration of Independence " opens the ancestor bright righteousness expounds, all lives but the equality, has the pursue happy and the free talent right; Incisively counted one by one the English colonialist the crime which violated in the Americas mainland; Finally dignified announces the United States of America is separated from England but is independent.
" The Declaration of Independence " is has the world history
significance the great literature. Through " Declaration of Independence " this one day also becomes the holiday which the American people forever commemorates, decides as the American independent date.

Early independent date celebration mainly is the parade and the lecture, and has the certain religious color. Afterwards increased item again and so on outdoors activity, sports competition. Sets off the firecracker, smoke fire active one extremely is also popular, after 20th century are only then cancelled, guard against occurs the danger.

Today, the independent date in USA is one quite lively holiday, every time meets this one day, the entire American greatly small small church clock sound sounds together, by commemorates USA is independentFirst sounds is the Philadelphia free clock. Each place inhabitant spontaneously carries on the celebration parade, some the old times pastor which assumes the guise rides a horse or sits old-style horse-drawn vehicle aristocrat young lady holds puts on make-up to parade; Some composition family small orchestras attend the parade, but also some entire family grandparent and grandchild several generation sing and dance, on the one hand on the other hand dance line.Each kind of color vehicle, the model vehicle, the acrobatic vehicle and the child toy vehicle becomes the enormous and powerful troop future with the happy crowd together platoon, the picture extremely magnificent sight parade ended, people often gathers in park or public place together celebrates joyfully holiday. In everywhere music sound, the people or dance lightly, or the mat place picnic, the merchants are busy hawk the souvenir, the politicians seize the opportunity to carry on the campaign speech, the children do each kind of game on the lawn, entire American each place presents one school of holiday the happy picture.

the day of independence of the United States

Independence Day