
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/02 18:30:57
aya 7.0 的注册方法
1、先安装maya 7.0软件。
2、用记事本打开 AW.dat
3、查看你的网卡的 mac ,他是12位的一串字符 记下来 并替换 aw.dat 文件中的HOSTID项后边的
000000000000 并保存。改该文件的属性为: 只读
4、拖动这个 aw.dat 到 awkeygen.exe 会生成一个 AW.数字 的文件
5、拷贝 AW.数字 文件到 C:/FlexLM 下改名为 AW.dat (如果没有就新建一个 FlexLM 文件夹)
6、运行 maya! OK!!

还是不行啊,打开这后还是出现“please enter your serial number for maya 7.0”

Licensing Maya 7.0
- Install Maya 7.0
- Open the aw.dat file in WordPad
- Replace the HOSTID with your own HOSTID
(this is the 12-digit number of your ethernetaddress (MAC-number)
type it without "-" >>> "abc-def-ghi-jkl" should be "abcdefghijkl")
(if you don't have a networkcard installed the HOSTID = 000000000000)
- Safe the file as aw.dat
- Drag and drop this aw.dat file into the awkeygen.exe
_ Create a folder C:/FlexLM and put the aw.dat file in there
_ Run Maya and enjoy!
(Tip: if Maya doesn't want to start, rename aw.dat to license.dat)

Licensing Maya 7.0
- Install Maya 7.0
- Open the aw.dat file in WordPad
- Replace the HOSTID with your own HOSTID
(this is the 12-digit number of your ethernetaddress (MAC-number)
type it without "-" >>> "abc-def-ghi-jkl" should be "abcdefghijkl")
(if you don't have a networkcard installed the HOSTID = 000000000000)
- Safe the file as aw.dat
- Drag and drop this aw.dat file into the awkeygen.exe
_ Create a folder C:/FlexLM and put the aw.dat file in there
_ Run Maya and enjoy!
(Tip: if Maya doesn't want to start, rename aw.dat to license.dat)
