iphone6plus闪白条:我的波斯王子II怎么安装上玩不了啊 ?

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/03 12:59:51
进入游戏的过程中弹出对话框,说,the game ended unexpectedly,check technical support in Readme.txt.

-Minimum Configuration: 均此鑆g伉
  Win 98 SE/2000/XP Only 蹻笕zkA??
  DirectX 9.0c /cs*甤??
  1000 MHz Pentium III, AMD Athlon or equivalent 9轧瀗簔>?
  256 MB RAM ?R^_擪d?
  NVIDIA GeForce 3 or higher, ATI Radeon 7500 or higher, Intel 915G rPX]A?#?
  DirectX 8.0 compatible sound device 瓨濎r炓#
  1.5 GB hard drive space for minimum installation 豑熩AzC??
  Windows-compatible mouse required 7鲷"鞫锖
  -Recommended Configuration: ?嬠喹泞+
  Win 98 SE/2000/XP Only 芽U堂/糱Np
  DirectX 9.0c z摺刭菩k溞
  1.5 GHz Pentium 4, AMD Athlon or equivalent |曭衦呆逡?
  256 MB RAM oq歃?? M
  NVIDIA GeForce 4 or ATI Radeon 9500 濐2?苏W信
  DirectX 8.0 compatible sound device ?枏唽F唔
  2.2 GB hard drive space for full installation (CD) nf闻?F6岛
  3.5 GB hard drive space for full installation (DVD) 绂?云_虏?
  Windows-compatible mouse required J藬?k弃?
  Dual analog gamepad 黪'?}=?_
  -Sound Options: 修颪>ミ?
  Music Volume: Adjusts the volume of the music. U`巪S>惑?
  Voices Volume: Adjusts the volume of all the game抯 voices. ?扑C?箿?
  Sound Effects Volume: Adjusts the volume of all Sound Effects. 曶鐦]鯞9
  Audio Virtualization: Selects the 3D audio emulation mode for a 2 鷑D家X璭处
  channel monitoring configuration (2 speakers, Q⒛?%L$??
  Headphones). The HRTF emulation is done in <洔 2,?
  software thus, using CPU. It is recommended to :螔Yk^?啌
  select "None" for minimum 紶}7?V?
  requirements computers. €3di?膀?
  None: Stereo output with no additionnal CPU usage. 烸溇╭yj?
  Light: Light audio 3D emulation with minimum additionnal CPU usage. 酇Tr3/鹥厽
  Full: Full audio 3D emulation with more CPU usage. 惀湹;d :
  3D Audio Hardware Acceleration: Enables sound card抯 3D audio hardware ?螈l\?稒y
  support. Disabling 3D audio may improve game's performance. s坳赟飨林
  Must be enabled to activate EAX抯 support. e闱B韩sN?
  EAX: If your sound card is compatible with Creative Labs EAX Processing, ア??l椵
  enabling this option will greatly improve your sound experience. ?辇峊簬猎
  Recommended Sound Settings: ?8a???
  x2 _蜯7M濝
  Minimum requirements: P篂b甖
  Audio Virtualization: None -u窐D谱靵
  3D Audio Hardware Acceleration: Off (disabling 3D audio may #p?郈璔维
  improve game's performance) z崁镬蒺舺t
  珱/沾輑 g
  Normal requirements: J腬?赅鐱Y
  Audio Virtualization: Light 篻P?紾??
  3D Audio Hardware Acceleration: On (if available) :t柚[(Wl醍
  EAX: On (if available) 辽?睑d\
  Recommended system: a S嫔g+╧?
  Audio Virtualization: Full 霁懂??zQ
  3D Audio Hardware Acceleration: On (if available) 焆??fY?
  EAX: On (if available) f弧7t?
  Notes: 渶3j^3?r
  Prince of Persia uses EAX Unified(tm) which makes the Real-Time EAX 螮棵香?y?
  processing compatible with EAX 1.0, 2.0 (SBLive!) and 3.0 (Audigy & ?s烿潍(龃
  Extigy). For quadraphonic & Surround systems, you'll need to select 8w1Yv%d?
  their corresponding monitoring option in the "Speaker Setup" scroll ?AX3YSd?
  window found in the "Sounds & Multimedia Properties" Tab (Multimedia ?虌???
  Tab under win98). The ideal monitoring option for a 2 channel setup L?娅$i|?
  (2-Speakers with/without Subwoofer & Headphones) is Desktop Stereo 徐?y 腩?
  Speakers. 挬7I~N别t
  Light & Full (Audio Virtualization options) won't give good results )t??E=厮-
  in a 4-Speakers/more configuration. Use it only with a 2 channel ?饇vK1?
  monitoring setup (Dual-Speakers system & Headphones). 燰w黳IY鑆
  To enable EAX with EAX compatible systems under Windows 2000, make sure e!E?帝?'
  Full Hardware acceleration is selected. In Sounds & Multimedia 屶疯?/?
  properties, click Advanced in Sound Playback then the Performance tab. 鲐买??b?
  ? 吾lRP^
  -Gamepad support: ]g?# f?
  Most gamepads with dual analog sticks are supported. Other gamepads may 吃绊[隋*r?
  not be fully compatible with Prince of Persia. 伟菼?R鄑?
  Win98 often requires a gamepad driver to be installed for proper use. 薁颦7&] 砌



你双击图标 然后按住ctrl键 会出现一个列表 那里无论哪一项有X都玩不了

你先确定你的显卡是不是gemforce4 MX400,(好像是这样拼)因为波斯王子这个游戏不能用geforce4 MX400(好像是这样拼)显卡.我都遇到同样问题,只有换显卡. :( 你看一看是不是.

我的是GeForce MX440,内存256,运行流畅就是缺少些效果。不知道你怎么样的。