快速的减肥药:Where is XP's chinese input?!!!!

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/07 10:58:26
now i can't input chinese, so i first appologize that i have to write in my poor eng.

i have opend the control panel, and left-click the "regions and languages selection ". in the following dialog box, i left-click the "language" button, and then left-click the "detailed information" another dialog box appears and left-click the "add"button. i can't find my "chinese input" , what lie there are only the inputs for other languages. how can i add "chinese input"?>??

wo~~ -_-|||
Is your system is English Version?or Chinese version?
if it's Chinese version:
you must follow the setp:
1.right clik the input tools( on the right bottom of the screen.and click setup...,add ->Chinese input.
2.in control panel: as you know,set the "regions and languages selection",in first page, drag the menu,select the Simple Chinese.
3.in the 3rd page,(advanced...)Non-Unicode,drag the menu select the Simple Chinese.

other ,if you system is English Version,you must install the Simple Chinese Package for the system.
