辐射4 loot排序:关于英国人off做量词的用法。(老把势请进)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/15 01:08:32
我发现英国人普遍用OFF做单位量词,简直就是拿来代替PIECE的,但是很少看到后接 OF XXX的。
比如,machine --- 100 off
table ---- 1 off
The qty is 1000 off.
很少看到 ... 500 off of XXX... 的,但是有时候看到过 "2 off containers" 的。

I do not think it is the way you are talking about.
1.I never heard of this term orally. Instead, all the cases were in the context of commercial contract or purchase order or even Letter of Credit.
2.I know that all my customers in UK, perhasp even some ones elsewhere in Europe, do know and accept it definetly. And also in some countries once British colonies like India.

c'mon, guys, it's just a slang, a oral term, just like "搞什麼" and "做什麼", it's the same!and later people take it easy and it becomes a normal use. Bu tbecause it's not very formal so don't use it in writing...Only if you think your teacher KWON it or ACCEPT it.