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内容是牛津小学英语3A第12单元Boys and girls.

牛津小学英语3A Unit 12 Review and check第一、二课时
作者:赣榆县青口镇中心小学 姚桂清 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:311


本单元是Book 3A的总复习单元,着重归纳了第七单元至第十一单元所涉及的语言项目,教师应根据学生的年龄特征及班级的具体情况,采用丰富多彩的教学手段,充分调动学生学习的兴趣,帮助学生复习并巩固本学期所学的日常用语及单词等知识,进一步提高学生听、说、读的能力和综合运用语言的能力。

第七单元至第十单元的日常交际用语的重点是祈使句型的使用,主要围绕请求、命令、建议、劝告等功能初步展开祈使句型常带有说话人较强烈的语气,教师应注意将礼貌教育渗透于教学之中。第十一单元的Learn to say部分通过两个孩子的自我介绍,集中出现了书中的部分重点句型。教师在复习过程中应注意语言的交际性和实用性,引导学生把所学语言大胆运用到日常生活中去,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。













第三课时:复习Unit 12 A 部分和B 部分。

第四课时:学习Unit 12 C 部分。

The first period :Review Unit 7—9.

Teaching Aims :

1. Enable the Ss to understand and say 24 words .

2. Enable the Ss to understand and use the communicative words .

3. Raise the Ss’ interest to learn English .

Teaching contents :

Unit 7—9

Teaching Steps:

Step1 Warm-up

a .Say rhymes 《We are happy today. 》

《Let’s learn A B C.》

《Green tea. 》

b. Greetings .
T: Good morning /afternoon ,class .

Ss: Good morning /afternoon ,Miss Yao .
T: How are you today ?

Ss: Fine ,thank you .And you ?

T: I’m fine, too. /Me ,too .

Step 2 Revision .


a. Stand up b. Hands up .C Open your mouth .d. Close your eyes .e. Sit down.

B、 Free talk .

Step 3 Practise .

A Unit 7
a.游戏:Draw and guess (通过老师的几笔,让学生猜,师画的是什么衣服?)

b.Show the wall picture .Look at the picture and try to act .(练习CLook and say )

Practise in pairs .

Check . (学生到讲台前表演对话)

B Unit 8

a. 游戏:Look and guess . (通过老师或学生的表演,让其它人猜在哪里? 在游戏中复习a zoo, a park , a cinema, a supermarket .the Great Wall .)

b. Play a game .


e.g S1: Let’s go to the zoo.

S2: Good ,But how?

S1: Let’s go to the zoo by bus .

C Unit 9

a.Listen to the tape and repeat .

b.Play a game :Draw and guess .

e.g S1: What is it ?

S2: It’s a plane.

Step 4随堂检测: 检查本课所复习的内容。

Step 5 Homework .

Listen to the tape .From Unit 7 to Unit 9

The second period : Review Unit 10—11.

Teaching Contents :

Unit 10—11

Teaching Aims :

1. Enable the Ss to understand and say 20 words .

2. Enable the Ss to understand and use the communicative sentences .

3. Raise the Ss interest to learn English .

Teaching Steps:

Step1 Warm-up .

A. Sing a song “ Colour song .”

B. Greetings

T: Hi, boys and girls ,How are you ?

Ss: Fine ,thank you ,And you ?

T: I’m fine ,too /Me ,too .

Step2 Revision .

A. Touch your body.

T: Touch your hair .

Ss:Touch my hair .
T: Touch your nose .

Ss: Touch my nose .

B. Free talk .

Step3 Practise .

A. Unit 10

a. 游戏:“闻、尝、猜 ” ,通过游戏让学生猜食物或饮料,并操练之中的主要句型。

b.Listen to the tape and repeat .

c.Look at the picture and try to act .(C Look and say )

Practise the dialogue in groups .

A. Unit 11

a.反口令练习:复习Unit 11中的单词,如师说:“I’m thin.”生就说 “I’m fat .”

b. Listen to the tape and repeat .

c. Introduce .
T: Please introduce yourself to others .

e.g S1: My name is DongZheng .

I’m a Chinese boy .

I’m nine .

I’m tall .

My eyes are big .


Step4 Have a rest .

Say a rhyme “They are all very good .”



Listen to the tape from Unit 1 to Unit 11.

Step7 Goodbye .

Sing the song “Good bye.”