
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/03 12:14:31
作文1:Fire accdients in big citys

作文2:my view on reference books

reference books on different lifestyles, occupations, cultures, or governments
will open new doors to students. Students who can\'t read will only
know what they see around them. Students who can read will be able to
travel to new worlds and experience new ideas without ever leaving their

The cause of the fire was soon clear. Most of the families in the building were vendors doing business in the three nearby markets. The first floor was used as a warehouse for commodities, most of which were made out of plastic.

“These residents make their living selling dried foods like fish, shrimps andjujubes,” a witness watching nearby told the local newspaper,Dangdai Business News. “They use electric fans to dry the commodities throughout the night.”

It appears this is how the fire started. But the investigation is going further. The investigators’ eyes are focusing now on the quality of the eight-story building.

Dai Jianping, vice chairman of Yongxing Group, a local property developer and the constructor of the building, arrived at the site on the morning of November 3. He insisted the reason for the collapse was the fire, not the quality of the building. “It?like the World Trade Center in New York. Who could imagine the twin towers would collapse??

约束を约束するreference books on different lifestyles, occupations, cultures, or governments
will open new doors to students. Students who can\'t read will only
know what they see around them. Students who can read will be able to
travel to new worlds and experience new ideas without ever leaving their

The cause of the fire was soon clear. Most of the families in the building were vendors doing business in the three nearby markets. The first floor was used as a warehouse for commodities, most of which were made out of plastic.

“These residents make their living selling dried foods like fish, shrimps andjujubes,” a witness watching nearby told the local newspaper,Dangdai Business News. “They use electric fans to dry the commodities throughout the night.”

It appears this is how the fire started. But the investigation is going further. The investigators’ eyes are focusing now on the quality of the eight-story building.

Dai Jianping, vice chairman of Yongxing Group, a local property developer and the constructor of the building, arrived at the site on the morning of November 3. He insisted the reason for the collapse was the fire, not the quality of the building. “It?like the World Trade Center in New York. Who could imagine the twin towers would collapse??


I’ll talk about the Canberra bushfire occurred in January 2003.
On 18 January 2003, bushfires swept into suburban Canberra. It was a hot day with strong winds, and very dry, probably the worst drought in Australia. The temperature was rising higher and higher on the day, from 37ºC to 49.5º. So with the combination of extreme weather conditions(dry, high temperature, lightning strikes, strong winds) and flammable trees. At 9.00pm, the bushfire begun. It was 20 kilometres from the city, multiple bushfires broke out in the Kosciuszko and Namadgi National parks surrounding Canberra and spreading to many residential areas.
This map here shows the bushfire surrounding areas.

At 9.00pm on 19 January, which was the second day, 4 people were dead and 388 homes destroyed in a 12 hours period. Several people died, and about 530 houses were destroyed. Many of the commercial properties have also been damaged.

The bushfire has greatly affected forest pine plantations there as well. It destroyed over 10,500 hectares of the pine plantations to the west of Canberra.

Preventative measures
People tried their best to reduce the damage caused by the bushfire. But unfortunately, the fire was very hard to control because of the dry weather and strong winds.
Residents, homeowners and businesses that live or operate in bushfire risk areas are encouraged to learn how to minimize the risk and protect themselves against the threat of a bushfire.
People did a lot of rebuilds after the bushfire as well but the damage of domestic, commercial, motor and others were huge anyway so it’s very hard to let everything come back to normal.

This is the worst bushfire since 1983.

Fire Accident in Ottawa

Ottawa Fire Services effectively extricates people who are trapped in a confined space. "Extrication" refers to removing people from:
-a collapsed building,
-a vehicle accident,
-an earth cave-in, and
-flipped machinery.

Vehicles are now often designed to protect occupants during a collision by collapsing around them. This can trap drivers and passengers. To deal with these problems, firefighters arrive at an accident scene armed with a vast array of hydraulic cutting, prying and pushing tools. Firefighters also have air chisels and air bags for heavy lifting.

In addition to this equipment, trucks called Pumpers have hand-powered tools equivalent to the Ontario Fire Marshal's recommendations. Heavy Rescues, another kind of service vehicle, are also equipped with the portable generators, lights and fans which are very helpful at Ottawa's working fires.

Firefighters' most valuable tool of all, however, is their ingenuity and training.

All Ottawa firefighters are trained in auto-extrication techniques using the equipment. Those members assigned to rescue vehicles practice their skills and rescue techniques constantly in order to further increase the speed with which they save accident victims.


my view on reference books

my view:The Reference Collection is too expensive to purchase and maintain, and should be replaced with CD-ROM or online services.

Generally, reference books ARE EXPENSIVE, costing many times the price of a book such as a novel.

The info in many reference books is soon out of date and must be continually updated.

Many reference books are large books that are cumbersome to handle and read or photocopy from.

Subject tracings in cataloging for these books are usually very general rather than specific, so that persons doing searches for specific authors, persons, or topics are generally not directed to these books. (Dictionaries, encyclopedias--even subject types--are usually cataloged under "dictionaries" or "encyclopedias" or under "encyclopedia of sociology," etc. rather than cataloged according to the topics covered in the books.) Therefore, these books are often overlooked in research.

A person must know shelving system (Library of Congress) to locate the books they need: a person must get the call numbers from the electronic catalog on computer. This takes time. Person may not know how to type or use a computer.

CD-ROM or subscriptions to online reference works are costly, BUT may cost less than the cost of the printed dictionary or encyclopedia. Some computers come with free software for encyclopedias, such as Encarta.

Online reference works can be accessed from home or office, 24-hrs a day, 7 days a week. Articles may be easily printed. No heavy, cumbersome books to carry around.

6 or 8 computers may take up far less space than a reference collection of several thousand books. Heavy-duty shelving is not needed. May save money by not having to buy books, pay to have them cataloged, and continually add new costly book shelves. Book dust is no problem.

Computer equipment may not increase the electric bill and may actually save some money. Overhead lighting can be reduced (so that users can see computer screens better).

CD-ROM collection or online services are easy to inventory; large reference book collections may take days or weeks to inventory. Will eliminate torn or missing pages. Theft and replacement of reference books is eliminated. Theft detection equipment may not be needed on reference room doors if entire collection is a series of computers.