
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/05 16:26:47
I was in a real hurry...
I am note alone in this opinion


介词in 的一些用法
(1) prep. 在…里;在…中
There is no cloud in the sky. 晴空万里无云。
Glasgow is in Scotland. 格拉斯哥在苏格兰。
(2) prep. 进;入
Ray put his hand in the water. 雷把手放进水中。
(3) prep. 在;于(时间)
Margaret started school in 1973. 玛格丽特一九七三年开始上学。
No,it was in 1970,not 1969. 不对,是在1970年,不是1969年。
(4) prep. 在…(时间)以内
I\'ll be ready in an hour. 我一小时以内准备好。
(5) prep. 在…(情况)中
My mother is in good health 我的母亲身体很好。
Emma was in tears. 埃玛哭了。
(6) prep. 穿;戴
The policeman is in uniform. 警察穿着制服。
She dresses him in his new clothes. 她给他穿新衣服。
(7) prep. 在…(环境)下
We walked in the rain. 我们冒雨行走。
They slept in the shade. 他们睡在树荫下。
(8) prep. 以…(方式),用…(语言)
He spoke in Italian. 他讲话用意大利语。
They talked in English. 他们用英语交谈。
Please write in pencil,not in ink. 请用铅笔写,不要用钢笔写。
The letter was written in French. 信是用法文写的。
(9) prep. 从事(职业);参加(活动)
He\'s in the army. 他在军队里
(10) adv. 向内;进入
He just looked in for a moment. 他只是(在门外)往里头看了看。
Come in. 进来。
Step in,please. 请进来。
(11) adv. 在内;在家;在办公室
Is your brother in or has he gone to the match? 你弟弟是在家还是看球赛去了?
"Is Mr. Smith in?" "No,he\'s gone out for lunch!" “史密斯先生在家吗?”“不在,他出去吃午饭去了。”
(12) adv. 时髦;流行
This year,short skirts are in. 今年时兴短裙。
(13) adv. (车,船)到达
The train is in. 列车到站了
