中部战区单超美照片:MMP 是什么意思呀?

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马品牌网 时间:2024/07/05 20:18:13


MMP Magnetic Mapping Payload
MMP Magnetospheric Multiprobes
MMP Magyar Munkáspárt (Hungarian Workers' Party)
MMP Maintenance & Modernization Program
MMP Maintenance Management Plan
MMP Maintenance Monitor Panel
MMP Marian Movement of Priests
MMP Master Manufacturing Procedure
MMP Master Mobilization Plan
MMP Masters in Management Program
MMP Mates, Masters, and Pilots Association
MMP Matrix Metalloproteinase (enzymes related to tissue healing/remodeling and cancer cell metastasis)
MMP Meet Me Page (telecommunications)
MMP Mercury Music Prize
MMP Meteorological Program
MMP Mew Mew Power (Anime)
MMP Micro-Mode Products Inc.
MMP Microcat Messaging Protocol
MMP Microprogrammable Multi-Processor
MMP Millennium Mathematics Project
MMP Minor Machine Pitch
MMP Missile Monitor Power
MMP Mixed Member Proportional (New Zealand electoral system)
MMP Mobility Management Procedures
MMP Mobilization Master Plan
MMP Modem Management Protocol
MMP Modular Mission Payload
MMP Modular Mounting Panel
MMP Money Management Program
MMP Monitoring Master Plan
MMP Monthly Maintenance Plan
MMP Mounted Military Police (Australia)
MMP Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid
MMP Multi-man Publishing
MMP Multi-Mission Platform
MMP Multichassis Multilink PPP (protocol)
MMP Multiple Multi-Pole (algorithm)
MMP Multipurpose Plenum (cable)
MMP Munitions Movement Plan
MMP Música Moderna Portuguesa
MMP My Mileage Plus (United Airlines)


Motor Moint Pump 电动泵

EVDO(EV-DO)实际上是三个单词的缩写:Evolution(演进)、 Data Only。
电信3G其全称为:CDMA2000 1xEV-DO,是CDMA2000 1x演进(3G)的一条路径的一个阶段。这一路径有两个发展阶段,第一阶段叫1xEV-DO,即“Data Only”,它可以使运营商利用一个与IS-95或CDMA2000相同频宽的CDMA载频就可实现高达2.4Mbps的前向数据传输速率,目前已被国际电联ITU接纳为国际3G标准, 并已具备商用化条件。第二阶段叫1xEV-DV。1xEV-DV意为“Data and Voice”,它可以在一个CDMA载频上同时支持话音和数据。2001年10月 3GPP2决定以朗讯、高通等公司为主提出的L3NQS标准为框架,同时吸收摩托罗拉、诺基亚等提出的1xTREME标准的部分特点,来制定1xEV-DV标准。2002年6月,该标准最终确定下来,其可提供6Mbps甚至更高的数据传输速率。